

  • 21世纪网络工程师设计宝典丛书编委会编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:北京希望电子出版社
  • ISBN:7900031766
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:301页
  • 文件大小:11MB
  • 文件页数:328页
  • 主题词:


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Exchange-unauthenticated IMAP command5



Real Secure 3.2中新出现的特征12

Account policy change14

Apache Web Server Denial of Service Attack14


ARP Host Down15

Ascend Kill16

Audit log cleared17

Authentication package loaded18

Audit policy change18

Back Orifice Default Install Check19

Back Orifice 2000 Install Check20

BootParamd Whoami Decode21

Brute Force login attack22

Brute Force login likely successful23

Change password attack24

Change password attack likely successful24

Change to important files25


Cisco CR27

Cleartext SMB Password Detection28

Cisco ldent28

Config-log files delete failed29

Config-log files deleted30

Disk space shortage31

Cybercop Scanner31

DNS All32

DNS HInfo Request Decode33

DNS Hostname Overflow33

DNS Length Overflow34

DNS Zone Transfers35

DNS Zone Transfers from High Ports36


E-mail DEBUG38

E-mail Decode38

E-mail Ehlo39

E-mail EXPN40

E-mail EXPN Overflow41

E-mail From42

E-mail Helo Overflow43

E-mail Listserv44

E-mail Pipe45

E-mail Qmail Length45

E-mail Qmail Rcpt46

E-mail Relay Spam47

E-mail Subject48

E-mail To48

E-mail Turn49

E-mail VRFY50

E-mail VRFY Overflow50

E-mail WIZ52

E-mail Xchg Auth53

EvilFTP Backdoor53

Exchange-administrator connect54

Exchange-administrator login as user54

Exchange-anonymous logon55

Exchange-IMAP authentication failures55

Exchange-logon failure55

Exchange-NNTP authentication failures56

Exchange-mail sent as56

Exchange-mail sent on behalf56

Exchange-POP3 authentication failures57

Exchange-PST password saved57

Exchange-security attribute change57

Exchange-service password change58

Exchange-unauthenticated ?ogon attempt58

Exchange-unauthenticated NNTP command59

Exchange-unauthenticated P0P3 command59

Exchange-unauthenticated P0P3 command, Invalid Arguments59

Exchange-view administrator login60

Exchange-user login into other users mailbox60

Exchange-unauthenticated P0P3 command,Wrong Arguments60

Failed change of important files61

Failed login-account disabled61

Failed login-account expired62

Failed login-account locked out63

Failed login-bad username or password63

Failed login-net logon not active64

Failed login-not authorized for console login65

Failed login-not authorized for this type of login66

Failed login-password expired66

Failed login-time restiction violation67

Finger Bomb68

Failed login-unknown error68

Finger User Decode69

FSP Detected70

FTP arg Core Dump71

FTP Bounce Attank71

FTP CWD-root73

FTP get File Decoding73

FTP mkdir Decoding74

FTP Password Decoding75

FTP Privileged Bounce Attack75

FTP Privileged Port Attack76

FTP put File Decoding77

FTP Site Exec78

FTP Site Command Decoding78

FTP Site Exec Tar79

FTP SYST Command Decode80

FTP Username Decoding81

Generic Intel Overflow81

Global group changed82

Global group created83

Global group deleted84

Global group user added85

Global group user removed85

Guest user login86

HP/UX RemoteWatch87


HP OpenView SNMP Backdoor88

HTTP Activex Control Download Decoding89

HTTP AnyForm90

HTTP AnyFormPost91

HTTP Authentication Decode91

HTTP Cachemgr92

HTTP campas cgi-bin93

HTTP Carbo Server94

HTTP Classifieds Post94

HTTP Cold Fusion95

HTTP Cookie Passing96

HTTP Glimpse cgi-bin97

HTTP GET Decoding97


HTTP HylaFax faxsurvey99



HTTP IIS 3.0 Asp 2E101

HTTP IIS 3.0 Asp Dot102

HTTP IISHTR Overflow103


HTTP Internet Explorer 3.0.URL/.LNK105

HTTP Info2WWW105

HTTP Java Decoding106


HTTP MachineInfo108

HTTP Macromedia Shockwave Content Download Decoding108

HTTP NCSA Buffer Overflow109

HTTP Netscape pageServices110

HTTP Netscape SpaceView110

HTTP Novell Convert111

HTTP Novell Files112

HTTP nph-test-cgi113

HTTP NT8.3 Filename113

HTTP Pfdisplay Execute114

HTTP Pfdisplay Read115


HTTP PHP Buffer Overflow116

HTTP PHP File Read117

HTTP RegEcho118

HTTP RobotsTxt119

HTTP RpcNLog120

HTTP SCO View-Source120

HTTP SGI Handler121

HTTP SGI WebDist122

HTTP SGI Wrap123

HTTP ShellHistory123

HTTP Shell Interpreter Accesses124

HTTP SiteCsc Access125

HTTP test-cgi126

HTTP UNIX Passwords127

HTTP Vulnerable Client128

HTTP Verity Search128

HTTP WebFinger129

HTTP Webgais130

HTTP Websendmail130

HTTP Website Uploader131

HTTP Website Win-C-Sample132

HTTP WWW-Count cgi-bin133

Ident Buffer Overflow134

Ident Error Decode134

Ident Newline135

Ident User Decoding136

IMAP Password Decoding137

IMAP Buffer Overflow137

IMAP Username Decoding138

IMAP2bis Server, Anonymous login successful139

IMAP2bis Server, Brute force attack139

IMAP2bis Server, Buffer overflow attack140

IMAP2bis Server, Buffer overflow attack Successful141

IMAP2bis Server, Pre-authenticated user login142

IMAP2bis Server, User Auto-logout143

IMAP2bis Server, User login failure143

IMAP2bis Server, User login successful144

IMAP2bis Server, User logout145

INN Control Message146

INN Buffer Overflow146

IP Duplicate Check147

IP Fragmentation148

IP Half Scan149

IP Unknown Protocol150

IPOP3D, Brute force attack151

IPOP3D, Buffer overflow attack152

IPOP3D, User auto-logout153

IPOP3D, User kiss of death logout153

IPOP3D, User login failure154

IPOP3D, User login successful155

IPOP3D, User login to remote host successful156

IPOP3D, User logout156

IRC Channel Decode157

IRC Nick Decode158

IRC Message Decode158

IRCD Buffer Overflow159

ISS Scan Check160

Kerberos IV User Snarf()161

Land Denial of Service Attack161

Land UDP162

LDAP-blacklist failed163

LDAP-blacklist permanent163

LDAP-blacklist short-term163

Local group changed164

Local group created165

Local group user added166

Local group deleted166

Local group user removed167

Logon process registered168

Logon with admin privileges169

Logon with special privileges170


LSA Connect Check172

Mounted Export Decode173

Mounted Mount Decode173

MSSQL-Failed Connection174

MSSQL-Successful Trusted Connection174

MSSQL65-Successful Non-Trusted Connection175





MSSQL7-Successful Non-Trusted Connection176

NitBIOS Session Grant Decode176

NetBIOS Session Reject Decode177

NetBIOS Session Request Decode177


NetBus Pro179

NFS Guess Check179

NFS Mknod Check180

NFS UID Check181

NISd Buffer Overflow Attack182

Nmap Scan183

NNTP Group Decoding184

NNTP Password Decoding184

NNTP Username Decoding185

NNTP Xchg Auth186

Oracle-Connect Internal186

Oracle-Failed Connection187

Oracle-Failed Object Access187


Oracle-Successful Object Access188

Out of virtual memory188

Oracle-Successful Connection188


Packet Capturing Remote Decode189

Packet Capturing Tool Decode190

Password change failed190

Password change successful191

PCNFSD Exec192

Perl Fingerd Check193

Ping Flooding194

Ping Of Death195

POP Buffer Overflow196

POP Password Decoding196

POP Username Decoding197

Portmapper Program Dump Decode198

Portmapper Proxy Call Decode199

Portmapper Proxy Mount Check199

Portmapper Set200

Portmapper Set Spoof201

Portmapper Unset201

Portmapper Unset Spoof202

Portscan Detection203

Privileged service called204

Probing of important files205

Program execution started205

Program exited206

Qpopper, User login failure207

Qpopper, Possible user probe207

Queso Scan208

RealSecure Kill Action Detection Check209

Registry autorun changed210

Registry eventlog settings changed211

Registry NT security options changed212

Registry remote edit changed215

Rexd Decode216

Rexec Session Decode217

RIP Entry Added Decode217

RIP Entry Timeout Decode218

RIP Metric Change Decode219


Rlogin Decoding220

RPC.Admind Check221

RPC Cmsd Overflow222

RSH Decoding223

RTM Finger223


SAMBA SMB Password Overrun225


Selection Service Holdfile Check227

Sendmail, Address expand[EXPN]228

Sendmail, Address Verify[VRFY]228

SMURF Denial of Service Attack229

SNMP Community String Decode230

SNMP Delete WINS Database Attack231

SNMP Decode231

SNMP Set Decode232

SNMP Suspicious Get233

SNMP Suspicious Set234

Source Routing235

SQLServer-login failed236

SQLServer-login failed, not administrator236

SQLServer-login failed,not trusted236

SQLServer-login failed,not valid user237

SQLSrever-login failed, too many users237

SSH agent authentication failure237

SSH command execution238

SSH Connection for user not allowed from host239

SSH Connection for user not allowed239

SSH connection from host not allowed240

SSH Detected241

SSH DNS Spoofing Attack, No reverse mapping241

SSH DNS Spoofing Attack, Reverse mapping different242

SSH IP options used243

SSH Kerberos authentication failed244

SSH Kerberos authentication successful245

SSH Kerberos KDC possible spoofing245

SSH Kerberos password authentication failed246

SSH Kerberos TGT not verified247

SSH Kerberos ticket authentication failed248

SSH Kerberos TGT rejected248

SSH OSF/1 security level249

SSH Rhosts authentication attempt from unprivileged port250

SSH Rhosts authentication attempt refused251

SSH Rhosts authentication successful251

SSH Root command execution252

SSH Root login253

SSH RSA authenticated from restricted host254

SSH RSA authentication failed254

SSH RSA authentication refused255

SSH SecurID authentication required256

SSH Successful password auth257

SSH server connection257

SSH User name length overflow attack258

Startup of important programs259

Statd Buffer Overflow Attack259

Statd File Creation Check260

SubSeven Scan262

Successful login263

Sun SNMP Backdoor263

Suspect Finger connection264

Suspect FTP connection264

Suspect IMAP connection265

Suspect Netbus connection265

Suspect Netstat connection265

Suspect Portscan266

Suspect POP2 connection266

Suspect POP connection266

Suspect SMTP connection267

Suspect SSH connection267

Suspect Sunrpc connection268

Suspect Systat connection268

Suspect Telnet connection268

Suspect Time connection268

Suspect Whois connection269

Suspect WWW connection269

Sybase-Failed Connection269

Sybase-No Configuration File269

Sybase-Successful Connection270




SYN Flood271

Talk Flash272

Talk Request Decoding273

TCP/IP Protocol Violations273

TCP Hi jacking Tools Decode274

TCP Overlap Data275

TearDrop Fragmentation Attack276

TFTP Get277

TFTP Put278

ToolTalk Overflow279

Trace Route Decode280

Trusted domain added281

Trusted domain removed282

UDP Bomb283

UDP Port Scan283

Unix root login sucessful285

Unix root su failure285

Unix root su successful286

Use of user rights286

User account changed287

User account created288

User account deleted289

User Added to Local Admin Group290

User Added to Global Admin Group290

User admin right granted291

User Admin Right Revoked292

User logout293

User right granted294

User right revoked295

Win IGMP295

Windows Access Error Decode296

Windows Null Session Decode297

Windows Out of Band (OOB)297

Windows Password Cache File Access298

Windows Remote Registry Access Decode299

Ypupdated Exec Check300
