
演化的实证 纪念杨钟健教授百年诞辰论文集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

演化的实证 纪念杨钟健教授百年诞辰论文集
  • 童永生等编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:海洋出版社
  • ISBN:7502743081
  • 出版时间:1997
  • 标注页数:253页
  • 文件大小:16MB
  • 文件页数:259页
  • 主题词:


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演化的实证 纪念杨钟健教授百年诞辰论文集PDF格式电子书版下载


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智人与直立人并存:中国的化石证据和年代证据 张银运1

Synchronic presence of sapiens and erectus: fossil evidence and its dating from China Zhang Yinyun1

中国人类颅骨特征的微观演化及现代中国人的起源 张振标7

Microevolution from E.H.sapiens to modern man and origin of Chinese populations Zhang Zhenbiao7

新疆和静察吾乎沟三号和四号墓地人骨种族特征研究 韩康信 张君 赵凌霞23

The study of racial characteristics of human skulls from ancient cemetery at Chawuhugou, Hejing County, Xinjiang Han Kangxin, Zhang Jun, Zhao Lingxia23

关于丁村文化的几个问题 李炎贤39

Some problems of the Dingcun industry Li Yanxian39

中国旧石器研究的进展与问题 黄慰文 侯亚梅51

Recent progress and problems of Paleolithic archaeology in China Huang Weiwen, Hou Yamei51

趋同与变异:关于东亚与西方旧石器时代早期文化的比较研究 高星 欧阳志山63

Similarity and variation within the Lower Paleolithic: East Asia, Western Europe, and Africa compared Gao Xing, John W.Olsen63

甑皮岩新石器时代遗址打击石制品研究 张森水 阳吉昌77

A study of chipped stone artifacts from the Early Neolithic site of Zengpiyan Cave Zhang Senshui, Yang Jichang77

中国古文献中的磨制石器 安志敏93

Recordings about polished stone in Chinese ancient literature An Zhimin93

Grammaspis, a new antiarch fish (Placoderm) from Early Devonian of Jiangyou, Sichuan Province Pan Jiang, Lu Liwu97

四川江油早泥盆世胴甲鱼类一新属 潘江 卢立伍97

Overall implications of the Late Eocene western Tarim selachian fish fauna in biostratigraphy, Paleoecology, and Paleozoogeography Li Guoqing105

早第三纪西塔里木软骨鱼群之综合生物地层学意义和环境生态地理效应 李国青105

A captorhinid from the Upper Permian of Nei Mongol, China Li Jinling, Cheng Zhengwu119

记内蒙古大青山一晚二叠世的大鼻龙类 李锦玲 程政武119

Altilambda fossil from the Late Paleocene Doumu Formation, Qianshan, Anhui Huang Xueshi, Zheng Jiajian125

安徽潜山晚古新世痘姆组中的高脊兽化石 黄学诗 郑家坚125

A new suid from the Middle Miocene of Xinan, Henan Chen Guanfang129

记河南新安中中新世猪科一新属 陈冠芳129

Evulotion of the Mesosiphneinae (Siphneidae, Rodentia) and environmental Change Zheng Shaohua137

凹枕型鼢鼠(Mesosiphneinae)的进化历史及环境变迁 郑绍华137

The fossil suids from the Pleistocene in Taiwan Qi Guoqin, Ho Chuankuen, Chang Chuntsiang151

台湾更新世猪类化石 祁国琴 何传坤 张钧翔151

From Megaloceros pachyosteus to Procapreolus jinensis: A review on the fossil cervids in China Dong Wei165

从肿骨鹿到晋原狍:中国鹿化石研究综述——纪念杨锺健先生诞辰一百周年 董为165

Rccent advanccs in study of the Xianshuihe Formation in Lanzhou Basin Qiu Zhanxiang, Wang Banyue, Qiu Zhuding, Xie Guangpu, Xie Junyi, Wang Xiaoming177

甘肃兰州盆地咸水河组研究的新进展 邱占祥 王伴月 邱铸鼎 颉光普 谢骏义 王晓鸣177

The framework of archaeological geology of the Nihewan Basin Wei Qi193

泥河湾盆地考古地质学框架 卫奇193

Three glacial cycles during Peking Man s time Xu Qinqi, Jin Changzhu, Tong Haowen, Dong Wei, Liu Jinyi, Cai Bingxi209

北京人时代的三次冰川旋回 徐钦琦 金昌柱 同号文 董为 刘金毅 蔡炳溪209

The outstanding contributions of Prof. C.C Young to the desert Quaternary research of China: Recognition of the formation and evolvtion of deserts in China Dong Guangrong, Su Zhizhu, Jin Heling227

杨锺健先生对沙漠第四纪研究的开拓性贡献 董光荣 苏志珠 靳鹤龄227

Cladistics in Popper s perspective Zhou Zhonghe233

支系学(Cladistics)和Popper的科学哲学 周忠和233



