惨哉我也 英文语法轻松学【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)派翠西亚·欧康诺(Patricia T.OConner)著;彭仲妤译 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- ISBN:7500108206
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:316页
- 文件大小:85MB
- 文件页数:335页
- 主题词:英语
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第一章 惨哉我也(Woe Is I)1
专治代词焦虑症(Therapy for Pronoun Anxiety)2
Which测试:要用that还是which?(The Which Trials: That or Which?)4
小小问题:it s还是its(An Itsy-Bitsy Problem: It s or Its?)5
谁在前面?Who s[or Whose]on First?6
谁跟你一样?(Yor re on Your Own)7
whom,甜美的whom(Whom,Sweet Whom)7
宾语(Object Lessons)12
than之后要放主格还是宾格?(More Than Meets the I)14
-self之过(The Sins of the Self-ish)15
they与它的朋友:they re,their,theirs(还有there跟there s)(They and Company: They re,Their,Theirs〔and There and There s〕16
不该用复数的地方(There s No Their There)18
“每个人”到底是几个人?(How Many Is Everybody?)18
what为何物?(What s What?)21
第二章 Swine前请置复数词(Plurals before Swine)23
数目上常见的错误(Blunders with Numbers)24
名字要怎么变成复数(Keeping Up with the Joneses: How Names Multiply)26
复合字的复数形(Compound Fractures: Words That Come Apart)27
-ics档案(The ics Files)29
双面字:时而单数,时而复数(Two-Faced Words: Sometimes Singular,Sometimes Plural)31
-y族群及其“前”因“后”果:以y结尾的字(Y s and Wherefores: Words That End in Y)36
一个马铃薯叫做one potato,那两个呢?——以o结尾的字(One Potato,Two Potato: Words That End in O)37
藏在死角的复数形:缩写,字母,数字(Plurals on the Q.T.:Abbreviations,Letters,and Numbers)38
between和from:数字游戏(Between and From: The Numbers Game)39
种类语汇:kinds,sorts和types(The Soul of Kindness: All Kinds,Sorts and Types)40
有些事永远不会变(Some Things Never Change)42
外表是会骗人的(Looks Can Be Deceiving)43
有外国口音的复数(Plurals with Foreign Accents)44
第三章 谨上(Yours Truly)47
所有格与所有物(The Possessives and the Possessed)48
所有格并不可怕(Possession is Not Demonic: The Simple Facts)48
头号公敌:its(还是it s?)(Its〔or It s?〕: Public Enemy Number 1)50
whose与who s(Who s Whose?)51
their是谁的所有格?(There Is But to Do or Die)53
集体所有权:成双的所有格(Group Ownership: When Possessives Come in Pairs)54
-body的所有格(Nobody s Fool)55
看在老天的份上(For Goodness Sake!)56
时间与金钱(Doing Time)57
另一种所有格(Are You Too Possessive?)57
me还是my?(Do You Mind Me…Uh…My Smoking?)58
第四章 别将我们一视同仁(They Beg to Disagree)63
把动词放对地方(Putting Verbs in Their Place)64
动词要一致(Making Verbs Agreeable)65
许愿:I wish I was…或I wish I were…?(Wishful Thinking: I Wish I Was…or…I Wish I Were?)72
不确定的时候:If I was…或If I were…?(Iffy Situations: If I Was…or…If I Were?)73
试探性的言语(Suggestive Language)75
may与might的分别(Mayday! Mayday!)76
只是其中之“一”(Just One of Those Things)77
双never的世界:幻想国(Never-Never Land)79
我们脑子里的“-ize”:合法吗?(Ize in Our Heads: Are These Verbs Legit?)80
野餐上的蚂蚁:长相神似的讨厌鬼(Ants at the Picnic: Pesky Look-alikes)83
不加-ed的过去式动词(Fitted to Be Tied)84
美满的结局:burned还是burnt?(Happy Endings: Burned or Burnt?)85
起床电话(Wake-up Calls)86
use的用法(What s the Use?)87
掌握hung的正确用法(Geting the Hang of Hung)88
理清句意的that(That s That)89
Willie-家:will还是shall?(The Willies: Will or Shall?)92
神奇的减字妙法:缩约(The Incredible Shrinking Words: Contractions)92
有will的地方就会有would(Where There s a Will,There s a Would)96
if 的国度(In the Land of If)99
关于after(After Thoughts)100
该不该用have?(To Have or Not to Have)101
第五章 滥用字词(Werbal Abuse)103
濒临绝种的字(Words on the Endangered List)104
这是什么意思?(What s the Meaning of This?)105
易混淆的字(Mixed Doubles)114
不用则已,用就要用对(Use It[Right]or Lose It)152
就差那么一点:拼写与念法要正确(You re Getting Warmer:Spelling and Saying It Right)163
到底是一个字还是两个字?(One Word or Two?)172
前方道路施工危险请改道(Detour-Dangerous Construction Ahead)175
简洁为上策(Overwriters Anonymous)181
感性与理性(Sensibility and Sense)183
夸大不实的字眼(Department of Hot Air)184
这也叫“字”吗?(You Call That a Word?)189
漏网之鱼(Et Cetera)193
第六章 逗点经(Comma Sutra)195
标点之乐乐无穷(The Joy of Punctuation)196
生气盎然的结尾:句点(.)(The Living End:The Period[.])197
相当好用的逗点(,)(Uncommonly Useful:The Comma[,])199
没人爱的分号(;)(Semi-Avoidance:The Unloved Semicolon[;])204
下一位登场者:冒号(:)(Let Me Introduce You:The Colon[:])205
什么?问号(?)(Huh?The Question Mark[?])206
无言的呐喊:惊叹号(!)(The Silent Scream:The Exclamation Point[!])208
短暂的插曲:括号()[A Brief Interlude:Parentheses()]209
好用归好用,但也不能用过头:破折号(——)(Too Much of a Good Thing: The Dash[——])210
中间地带:连词符(-)(Betwixt and Between:The Hyphen[-])212
多功能符号:上标点(,)(A Multitalented Mark:The Apostrophe[,])223
说得够多了:引号(“”)(Enough Said:Quotation Marks[“”])225
书、电影等名称的斜体字(The Slant on Titles)228
第七章 完全虚悬词(The Complete Dangler)233
离了水的鱼(A Fish out of Water)234
第八章 死词(Death Sentence)245
陈腔滥调该死乎?(Do Cliches Deserve to Die?)246
第九章 活着的死词(The Living Dead)265
过时的规则就让它去吧!(Let Bygone Rules Be Gone)266
第十章 口说为凭(Saying Is Believing)281
如何把心里想的完整形诸笔墨(How to Write What You Mean)282
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