

  • (美)苏珊·杜薇(SuzetteDewey)舒扬,舒宁译 著
  • 出版社: 上海:学林出版社
  • ISBN:7806683364
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:263页
  • 文件大小:26MB
  • 文件页数:275页
  • 主题词:


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一、掌握自己的命运Control the own destiny1

“强者生存”是生存哲学的核心The is strong exist is mankind standard that exist1

三种能出人头地的人格特征Three kinds of people would outstanding performance5

人生每一阶段的结束均是另一阶段的开始Be over that human life is each a the stage all is the beginning of another stage10

五种常见的心理障碍 Five familiar mental state obstacle15

肯定自我的八个原则 Eight principles of the affirmative ego21

二、有好朋友,才有好健康 There is good friend,and just have the good health23

聚会是群体快乐的日历Everybody party the hour,is the most happy23

维持有氧健康In the open air healthful26


三、爱的付出 Love other people30

伸出援助的手Help other people34

四、你是自己最大的敌人和朋友You are biggest enemy of the oneself with the friend s39

你可改变你的习惯Can change own habit39

无助与无望Have no to help with hopeless42

自然保护Nature aegis44

五、良方Good method47

无可救药的浪漫者Incurable romantic47

我可能愈来愈老,感觉却愈来愈好I am probably more and more old,and the reaetion is however and more and more good51

天生的冲动 Act impetuously55

静坐放松Sit to relax58

六、自我情绪调节法 Regulate the own mood58

渐进式放松Gradually be relax60

超觉静坐大放松While be relaxing don t suffer the interference62

自律训练和生理反应Train the own physiology reaction65

呼吸 Breathe68

七、迷人的个性Charming personality74

闲散无事的晚上Free evening74

野性的挑动Exposed human nature81

八、如何享受人生之乐?How enjoy the human life s happiness?84

心理崩溃是身体发出的一项警示The body is not good to is a spirit wound first84

人类的五种精神状态Mankind s five kinds of mental states94

审视自己Oneself cognition oneself oneself97

寻找时间Save time101

超战越勇和屡败屡战Fight to depend the courage104

九、把烦恼抛在脑后Let us keep off the vexing107

度假的理由The holiday does not need to get the approval107

健康的怒气Healthful temper113

别怒气冲天The great anger is not good119

发泄怒气的步骤Shine on these methods to let out the exasperation123

十、别让恐惧主宰你的生活Do not let fear to feel the living that affect you126

恼人的恐惧症The phobia makes you the uneasy126

面对问题Face the issue130

尊重自己的感受The respect is own to feel133

十一、失落的启示 The accident s what sorrow bring inspires133

怎样治疗悲伤?How cure the sorrow?135

健全的精神状态Sound mental state137

十二、创造平静的心境Fight for even with of mood142

十指间的魔力The magic of ten fingers142

正面的松弛功效Real relaxed have no the appearance that restrain149

人人需要合适的引导 Everyone the mental state of right demand comfort152

塞车的享受 Block up the pleased mood of the car hour155

扩展自己的私人空间 Own movable scope that extend you157

寂寞的迷思Solitary of the person can face the rejecting of society163

十三、在孤独中找到满足You face solitary also can find out the fun163

害羞的心结Shy mental state problem167

生活可以很无聊Sometimes you of the life has no a fun170

头号压力Biggest pressure173

十四、快乐的家庭Happy family179

彼此欣赏Laud each other179


十五、最常见的冲突The most familiar clash187

压力危机Pressure crisis187

创造私人空间Establish to belong to the own space192

办公室里的摩擦 Friction in the office195

家庭危机Family crisis197

张开你的眼睛You should every moment eye own surroundings201

十六、有益的疲累 Beneficial fatigue206

醒来并不容易 The morning get ups to have the regulation206

找到活力Find out the vitality210

将兴趣转化为技能Convert interest as the technical ability214

你的大财是身体,小财是金钱You of the body just is a big wealth,money you of small wealth220

十七、战胜自己Win the oneself223

当午的倦意The after meal person would be weary at noon223

倾听内心的声音Listen to the endocentric voice227

循序渐进Follow the sequence and advance gradually231

十八、成功在于行动The success consist in acting231

第一步Square one235

永远的焦虑Lasting worry anxiously239

活在昨天的人Live in yesterday s person243

十九、工作狂都不快乐The workaholic is all not happy248

工作之外Attention you of amateur time248

休闲焦虑症The worry anxiously s leisure time251

心灵关照The subconscious s ability253

你在我心目中是最完美的You is the most perfect in my heart257

睡吧,睡吧!Sleep ,sleep!259
