计算机算法 设计与分析导论 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)SaraBaase,AllenVanGelder著 著
- 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
- ISBN:7040100487
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:688页
- 文件大小:44MB
- 文件页数:707页
- 主题词:
计算机算法 设计与分析导论 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 Analyzing Algorithms and Problems:Principles and Examples1
1.1 Introduction2
1.2 Java as an Algorithm Language3
1.3 Mathematical Background11
1.4 Analyzing Algorithms and Problems30
1.5 Classifying Functions by Their Asymptotic Growth Rates43
1.6 Searching an Ordered Array53
Notes and References67
2 Data Abstraction and Basic Data Structures69
2.1 Introduction70
2.2 ADT Specification and Design Techniques71
2.3 Elementary ADTs--Lists and Trees73
2.4 Stacks and Queues86
2.5 ADTs for Dynamic Sets89
Notes and References100
3 Recursion and Induction101
3.1 Introduction102
3.2 Recursive Procedures102
3.3 What Is a Proof?108
3.4 Induction Proofs111
3.5 Proving Correctness of Procedures118
3.6 Recurrence Equations130
3.7 Recursion Trees134
Notes and References146
4 Sorting149
4.1 Introduction150
4.2 Insertion Sort151
4.3 Divide and Conquer157
4.4 Quicksort159
4.5 Merging Sorted Sequences171
4.6 Mergesort174
4.7 Lower Bounds for Sorting by Comparision of Keys178
4.8 Heapsort182
4.10 Shellsort197
4.9 Comparison of Four Sorting Algorithms197
4.11 Radix Sorting201
Notes and References221
5 Selection and Adversary Arguments223
5.1 Introduction224
5.2 Finding max and min226
5.3 Finding the Second-Largest Key229
5.4 The Selection Problem233
5.5 A Lower Bound for Finding the Median238
5.6 Designing Against and Adversary240
Notes and References246
6 Dynamic Sets and Searching249
6.1 Introduction250
6.2 Array Doubling250
6.3 Amortized Time Analysis251
6.4 Red-Black Trees253
6.5 Hashing275
6.6 Dynamic Equivalence Relations and Union-Find Programs283
6.7 Priority Queues with a Decrease Key Operation295
Notes and References309
7 Graphs and Graph Traversals313
7.1 Introduction314
7.2 Definitions and Representations314
7.3 Traversing Graphs328
7.4 Depth-First Search on Directed Graphs336
7.5 Strongly Connected Components of a Directed Graph357
7.6 Depth-First Stearch on Undirected Graphs364
7.7 Biconnected Components of an Undirected Graph366
Notes and References385
8 Graph Optimization Problems and Greedy Algorithms387
8.2 Prim s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm388
8.1 Introduction388
8.3 Single-Source Shortest Paths403
8.4 Kruskal s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm412
Notes and References422
9 Transitive Closure,All-Pairs Shortest Paths425
9.1 Introduction426
9.2 The Transitive Closure of a Binary Relation426
9.3 Warshall s Algorithm for Transitive Closure430
9.4 All-Pairs Shortest Paths in Graphs433
9.5 Computing Transitive Closure by Matrix Operations436
9.5 Multiplying Bit Matrices--Kronrod s Algorithm439
Notes and References449
10 Dynamic Programming451
10.1 Introduction452
10.2 Subproblem Graphs and Their Traversal453
10.3 Multiplying a Sequence of Matrices457
10.4 Constructing Optimal Binary Search Trees466
10.5 Separating Sequences of Words into Lines471
10.6 Developing a Dynamic Programming Algorithm474
Notes and References482
11 String Matching483
11.1 Introduction484
11.2 A Straightforward Solution485
11.3 The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm487
11.4 The Boyer-Moore Algorithm495
11.5 Approximate String Matching504
Notes and References512
12 Polynomials and Matrices515
12.2 Evaluating Polynomial Functions516
12.1 Introduction516
12.3 Vector and Matrix Multiplication522
12.4 The Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution528
Notes and References546
13 NP-Complete Problems547
13.2 P and NP548
13.1 Introduction548
13.3 NP-Complete Problems559
13.4 Approximation Algorithms570
13.5 Bin Packing572
13.6 The Knapsack and Subset Sum Problems577
13.7 Graph Coloring581
13.8 The Traveling Salesperson Problem589
13.9 Computing with DNA592
Notes and References608
14 Parallel Algorithms611
14.1 Introduction612
14.2 Parallelism,the PRAM, and Other Models612
14.3 Some Simple PRAM Algorithms616
14.4 Handling Write Conflicts622
14.5 Merging and Sorting624
14.6 Finding Connected Components628
14.7 A Lower Bound for Adding n Integers641
Notes and References647
A Java Examples and Techniques649
A.1 Introduction650
A.2 A Java Main Program651
A.3 A Simple Input Library656
A.4 Documenting Java Classes658
A.5 Generic Order and the “Comparable”Interface659
A.6 Subclasses Extend the Capability of Their Superclass663
A.7 Copy via the “Cloneable”Interface667
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