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- 许渊冲选译 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- ISBN:7500118112
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:335页
- 文件大小:7MB
- 文件页数:375页
- 主题词:汉语-英语-对照读物;词(文学)-作品集-中国-唐代;宋词-选集
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鹊踏枝Tune:"The Magpie on a Branch"&无名氏Anonymous2
摊破浣溪沙Tune:"Broken Form of Sand of Silk-washing Stream&无名氏Anonymous6
菩萨蛮Tune:"Buddhist Dancers"&李白Li Bai10
忆秦娥Tune:"Dream of a Maid of Honour"&李白Li Bai14
渔歌子Tune:"A Fisherman's Song"&张志和Zhang Zhihe18
长相思Tune:"Everlasting Longing"&白居易Bai Juyi20
竹枝词Tune:"Bamboo Branch Song"&刘禹锡Liu Yuxi24
浪淘沙Tune:"Ripples Sifting Sand"&刘禹锡Liu Yuxi26
梦江南Tune:"Dreaming of the South"&温庭筠Wen Tingyun28
河传Tune:"From the River"&温庭筠Wen Tingyun30
忆江南Tune:"The South Recalled"&皇甫松Huangfu song34
菩萨蛮Tune:"Buddhist Dancers"&韦庄Wei Zhuang36
南乡子Tune:"Song of a Southern Country"&李珣Li Xun40
酒泉子Tune:"Fountain of Wine"&孙光宪Sun Guangxian42
谒金门Tune:"Paying Homage at the Golden Gate"&冯延巳Feng Yansi46
破阵子Tune:"Dance of the Cavalry"&李煜Li Yu50
相见欢Tune:"Joy at Meeting"&李煜Li Yu54
乌夜啼Tune:"Crows Crying at Night"&李煜Li Yu56
浪淘沙Tune:"Ripples Sifting Sand"&李煜Li Yu58
虞美人Tune:"The Beautiful Lady Yu"&李煜Li Yu62
长相思Tune:"Everlasting Longing"&林逋Lin Bu66
酒泉子Tune:"Fountain of Wine"&潘阆Pan Lang68
昼夜乐Tune:"Joy of Day and Night"&柳永Liu Yong70
雨霖铃Tune:"Bells Ringing in the Rain"&柳永Liu Yong74
望海潮Tune:"Watching the Tidal Bore"&柳永Liu Yong78
八声甘州Tune:"Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song"&柳永Liu Yong82
渔家傲Tune:"Pride of Fishermen"&范仲淹Fan Zhongyan86
苏幕遮Tune:"Screened by Southern Curtain"&范仲淹Fan Zhongyan90
玉楼春Tune:"Spring in Jade Pavilion"&张先Zhang Xian92
浣溪沙Tune:"Sand of Silk-washing Stream"&晏殊Yan Shu96
破阵子Tune:"Dance of the Cavalry"&晏殊Yan Shu98
离亭燕Tune:"Swallows Leaving Pavilion"&张昪Zhang Bian102
生查子Tune:"Mountain Hawthorn"&欧阳修Ouyang Xiu104
蝶恋花Tune:"Butterflies Lingering over Flowers"&欧阳修Ouyang Xiu106
桂枝香Tune:"Fragrance of Laurel Branch"&王安石Wang Anshi108
南乡子Tune:"Song of a Southern Country"&王安石Wang Anshi112
卜算子Tune:"Song of Divination"&王观Wang Guan116
虞美人Tune:"The Beautiful Lady Yu"&苏轼Su Shi120
江城子Tune:"A Riverside Town"&苏轼Su Shi122
江城子Tune:"A Riverside Town"&苏轼Su Shi126
水调歌头Tune:"Prelude to the Melody of Water"&苏轼Su Shi130
浣溪沙Tune:"Sand of Silk-washing Stream"&苏轼Su Shi134
浣溪沙Tune:"Sand of Slik-washing Stream"&苏轼Su Shi136
永遇乐Tune:"Joy of Eternal Union"&苏轼Su Shi138
西江月Tune:"The Moon over the West River"&苏轼Su Shi142
定风波Tune:"Calming the Waves"&苏轼Su Shi144
念奴娇Tune:"Charm of a Maiden Singer"&苏轼Su Shi148
临江仙Tune:"Immortal at the River"&苏轼Su Shi152
水龙吟Tune:"Water Dragon Chant"&苏轼Su Shi156
蝶恋花Tune:"Butterflies Lingering over Flowers"&苏轼Su Shi160
卜算子Tune:"Song of Divination"&李之仪Li zhiyi162
清平乐Tune:"Pure Serene Music"&黄庭坚Huang Tingjian164
鹊桥仙Tune:"Immortal at the Magpie Bridge"&秦观Qin Guan168
踏莎行Tune:"Treading on Grass"&秦观Qin Guan170
捣练子Tune:"Song of Broken Chains"&贺铸He Zhu172
鹧鸪天Tune:"The Partridge Sky"&贺铸He Zhu174
苏幕遮Tune:"Screened by Southern Curtain"&周邦彦Zhou Bangyan178
蝶恋花Tune:"Butterflies Lingering over Flowers"&周邦彦Zhou Bangyan182
相见欢Tune:"Joy at Meeting"&朱敦儒Zhu Dunru186
如梦令Tune:"Like A Dream"&李清照Li Qingzhao190
一剪梅Tune:"A Twig of Mume Blossoms"&李清照Li Qingzhao192
醉花阴Tune:"Tipsy in the Flower's Shade"&李清照Li Qingzhao194
渔家傲Tune:"Pride of Fishermen"&李清照Li Qingzhao198
凤凰台上忆吹箫Tune:"Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace"&李清照Li Qingzhao202
声声慢Tune:"Slow,Slow Tune"&李清照Li Qingzhao206
永遇乐Tune:"Joy of Eternal Union"&李清照Li Qingzhao210
临江仙Tune:"Immortal at the River"&陈与义Chen Yuyi214
贺新郎Tune:"Congratulating the Bridegroom"&张元干Zhang Yuangan218
满江红Tune:"The River All Red"&岳飞Yue Fei222
满江红Tune:"The River All Red"&岳飞Yue Fei226
小重山Tune:"Manifold Little Hill"&岳飞Yue Fei230
钗头凤Tune:"Phoenix Hairpin"&陆游Lu You234
诉衷情Tune:"Telling of Innermost Feelings"&陆游Lu You238
卜算子Tune:"Song of Divination"&陆游Lu You240
念奴娇Tune:"The Charm of A Maiden Singer"&张孝祥Zhang Xiaoxiang242
西江月Tune:"The Moon Over the West River"&张孝祥Zhang Xiaoxiang246
水龙吟Tune:"Water Dragon Chant"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji248
菩萨蛮Tune:"Buddhist Dancers"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji252
摸鱼儿Tune:"Groping for Fish"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji256
清平乐Tune:"Pure Serene Music"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji260
清平乐Tune:"Pure Serene Music"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji262
采桑子Tune:"Song of Picking Mulberry"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji264
青玉案Tune:"Green Jade Cup"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji266
破阵子Tune:"Dance of the Cavalry"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji270
西江月Tune:"The Moon over the West River"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji274
西江月Tune:"The Moon over the West River"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji278
鹧鸪天Tune:"The Partridge Sky"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji280
永遇乐Tune:"Joy of Eternal Union"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji284
南乡子Tune:"Song of a Southern Country"&辛弃疾Xin Qiji288
水调歌头Tune:"Prelude to Water Melody"&陈亮Chen Liang292
西江月Tune:"The Moon over the West River"&刘过Liu Guo296
扬州慢Tune:"Slow Tune of Yangzhou"&姜夔Jiang Kui300
鹧鸪天Tune:"The Partridge Sky"&姜夔Jiang Kui306
玉楼春Tune:"Spring in Jade Pavilion"&刘克庄Liu Kezhuang310
八声甘州Tune:"Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song"&吴文英Wu Wenying314
风入松Tune:"Wind Through Pines"&吴文英Wu Wenying318
柳梢青Tune:"Green Tip of Willow Branch"&刘辰翁Liu Chenweng322
念奴娇Tune:"Charm of a Maiden Singer"&文天祥Wen Tianxiang326
沁园春Tune:"Spring in the Garden of Qin"&文天祥Wen Tianxiang330
清平乐Tune:"Pure Serene Music"&张炎Zhang Yan334
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