

  • 蒋范琛主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:7506229005
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:397页
  • 文件大小:7MB
  • 文件页数:411页
  • 主题词:


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Apologlzing 致歉1

General Expressions1

making apologies 表示歉意1

responding to apologies 回答别人的道歉4

Sampel Dialogues8

Arranging Business Trlps 安排出差旅行10

General Expressions10

Sample Dialogues14

Arranging Entertainment Activltles 安排娱乐活动17

General Expressions17

asking about somebody s interest 询问某人的兴趣爱好17

asking for somebody s opinion on the activities 征求某人对活动安排的意见18

recommending some scenic spots 介绍某些风景点20

arranging entertainment activities 安排娱乐活动21

Sample Dialogues22

Asking for Information 询问信息26

General Expressions26

Sample Dialogues32

Asking for Opinlons 征询意见35

General Expressions35

asking for opinions of colleagues and visitors征询同事和来访者意见35

asking for boss s opinions 征询上司的意见37

Sample Dialogues39

General Expressions42

Asking for Permission 请求许可42

Sample Dialogues46

Claiming 索赔49

General Expressions49

lodging a claim 提出索赔49

settling a claim 解决索赔问题52

Sample Dialogues56

Dealing with Applicatlon 处理求职申请61

General Expressions61

asking the applicant about his intention and qualifications 询问求职申请人的意向和资格条件61

dealing with the application 处理求职申请63

Sample Dialogues66

making a business enquiry 发出商业询价70

Enquiring and Replying 询价与答复70

General Expressions70

offering a reply 答复询价73

Sample Dialogues75

Entertaining Guests to Dinner 款待客人用餐79

General Expressions79

reserving a table 预订餐桌79

seating the guests 安排客人就座80

ordering a meal 点菜80

entertaining guests to dinner 招待客人用餐82

Sample Dialogues85

expressing certainty 表示肯定89

Expressing Certainty and Uncertalnty 表示肯定与不肯定89

General Expressions89

expressing uncertainty 表示不肯定94

Sample Dialogues98

Expressing Thanks 表示感谢103

General Expressions103

expressing thanks 表示感谢103

responding to thanks 回答对方的感谢106

Sample Dialogues109

Filing 档案处理111

General Expressions111

Sample Dialogues114

showing the way to a room in a building 指点去处118

Giving Directions 指点方向118

General Expressions118

showing the way to somewhere 指路119

Sample Dialogues122

Giving Good Wishes and Congratulations 祝愿和祝贺126

General Expressions126

giving good wishes 祝愿126

responding to good wishes 对祝愿的回答130

giving congratulations 祝贺130

responding to congratulations 对祝贺的回答132

Sample Dialogues132

asking about savings 询问有关储蓄事务136

Going about Financial Matters 办理银行业务136

General Expressions136

asking about money exchange 询问货币兑换事宜138

depositing,drawing and cashing money 存、取、兑换现金139

changing money 换钱142

talking about financial matters 谈论财政事务143

Sample Dialogues147

Greetings 问候150

General Expressions150

greeting somebody 问候某人150

responding to somebody s greetings 回答某人的问候152

Sample Dialogues154

Helping Guests See a Doctor 帮助客人看病157

General Expressions157

asking a guest about his health 询问客人的健康情况157

seeing a doctor 看病158

conveying the doctor s advice 转达医嘱160

Sample Dialogues161

Helping Organize a Meeting 协助安排组织会议164

General Expressions164

planning a meeting 安排会议164

informing about the meeting time 通知开会时间170

briefing about a meeting 简单介绍会议内容172

receiving guests 接待来宾174

chairing a meeting 主持会议175

Sample Dialogues176

Insuring 保险180

General Expressions180

inquiring about insurance and purchasing an insurance policy 询问有关保险之事和购买保险单180

talking about insurance 讨论有关保险之事183

Sample Dialogues187

Inviting 邀请191

General Expressions191

extending an invitation 邀请191

accepting an invitation 接受邀请194

declining an invitation 谢绝邀请197

Sample Dialogues201

Learning about Office Work 学做办公事务204

General Expressions204

learning office procedures 熟悉办公步骤204

talking about office supplies and office automation谈论办公设备和办公自动化208

Sample Dialogues211

Making Appointments 约会215

General Expressions215

making an appointment 安排约会215

changing an appointment 更改约期219

Sample Dialogues224

introducing oneself 自我介绍228

Making Introductions 介绍228

General Expressions228

introducing somebody 介绍某人230

responding to introductions 对介绍的应答232

Sample Dialogues234

Making Reservations for Rooms and Tickets 预订房间和票子237

General Expressions237

booking rooms 预订房间237

booking airline tickets and railway tickets 预订机票和火车票240

booking theatre tickets 预订戏票242

Sample Dialogues243

General Expressions247

Making Suggestions 提建议247

Sample Dialogues255

Packing and Despatehing 包装与发货258

General Expressions258

talking about the importance of packing 谈论包装的重要性258

asking for opinions on packing 征求对包装的意见259

presenting demands for packing 对包装提出要求261

responding to clients demands for packing 回答用户对包装的要求264

informing the buyer of the shipment 通知买方装运期268

advancing a request for the shipment 对装运期提出要求269

responding to the buyer s request 答复买方的要求272

talking about the loading and unloading ports 商讨装货港和卸货港事宜274

talking about the mode of transportation 商谈运输方式276

Sample Dialogues279

Receiving Messages 受理留言283

General Expressions283

Sample Dialogues288

Receiving Visitors 接待来访者292

General Expressions292

Sample Dialogues297

Responding to Requests 回答请求300

General Expressions300

responding positively 肯定回答300

responding negatively 否定回答302

Sample Dialogues304

Seeing off Guests 送别客人307

General Expressions307

parting 告别307

seeing off guests 送客311

Sample Dialogues313

Selling and Ordering 销售与订购316

General Expressions316

placing an order 下定单316

promoting sales 促销325

bargaining over the price 争议价格330

selling 销售332

Sample Dialogues336

Sending and Receiving Mails 邮寄与接收信函342

General Expressions342

asking about postage 询问邮资342

asking about time and ways to mail something 询问邮寄时间和方式343

mailing something 邮寄信件、包裹等347

receiving mails 接收信函350

Sample Dialogues351

Sending Telegrams and Telexes 发送电报和电传357

General Expressions357

asking about the rate for a telegram 询问发电报的收费标准357

sending a telegram 发电报358

talking about telegrams and telexes 谈论有关电报、电传事宜363

sending a telex 发电传365

Sample Dialogues367

Using the Telephone 接打电话371

General Expressions371

placing a phone call 打电话371

answering a phone call 接电话374

Sample Dialogues378

Working Out a Schedule安排日程381

General Expressions381

working out schedules for various activities 安排各种活动的日程381

working out schedules for visitors 安排来访者活动日程387

Sample Dialogues392
