
- 张向阳主编 著
- 出版社: 武汉市:湖北教育出版社
- ISBN:7535126316
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:932页
- 文件大小:33MB
- 文件页数:985页
- 主题词:英语(学科: 典故) 英语 典故
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A good Jack makes a good jill1
a little bird told me1
A rolling stone gathers no moss2
A tree is known by its fruit2
Aaron s serpent3
Abbott and Costello3
Abington s cap3
abominable no-man4
above board4
above the salt4
accomplishment of Perseus5
Absalom s hair5
according to Cocker6
according to Hoyle6
ace in the hole7
Achilles heel7
Achilles shield8
Achilles spear8
acid test8
acknowledge the com8
across the board9
add insult to injury10
Adam s son10
Adam s profession10
Adam s ale10
Adam s apple10
Admirable Crichton11
affluent society12
after dinner,mustard12
after me the deluge13
after one s (own) heart13
against the grain13
age/years of discretion14
Aholah and Aholibah15
Aladdin s lamp15
Alaska Purchase16
Alasnam s mirror16
Albert Einstein17
Alexander and the Robber18
alive and kicking18
All his geese are swans19
all in all19
all hands and the cook19
All is fish that comes to one s net20
All men are created equal20
all my eye (and Betty Martin)20
all quiet on the westem front21
All roads lead to Rome21
(all)shipshape and Bristol fashion22
all systems go22
all talk and no cider22
All that glitters is not gold23
All the world s a stage23
all wool and a yard wide24
all thumbs24
all things to all men24
almighty dollar25
Alnaschar s dream25
Alphonse and Gaston26
alpha and omega27
Althaea s brand27
Am I my brother s keeper28
American dream29
ambulance chaser29
ambitious as Phaethon29
An American Tragedy30
An apple a day keeps the doctor away30
Androcles and the Lion31
Andy Hardy31
Andy Warhol32
angry young man33
Annie Oakley33
another pair of shoes34
Another course would have done it34
another cup of tea34
another Richmond in the field35
answer a fool according to his folly35
(The)answer s a lemon36
any port in a storm36
appeal from philip drunk to Philip sober38
apple of love39
apple of discord39
applaud sb. to the echo39
apple of sb. s eye40
apple of Sodom40
apple-pie order41
apples and oranges41
April fool42
April is the cruelest month42
Arabian Nights43
Ariadne s thread44
Archie Bunker44
(The) ark rested on Mt.Ararat45
armchair general45
armed to the teeth46
arrogance of power46
arsenal of democracy46
Artful Dodger47
as American as apple pie47
(as) blind as a bat48
as Cephalus to Procris48
(as) clear as a bell48
(as) different as chalk from cheese49
as dead as Queen Anne49
(as) cold as chairty49
(as) drunk as a lord50
(as) dull as ditch-water50
(as) fit as a fiddle50
as fresh as new paint51
As goes Maine, so goes the Union51
as good as George-a-Green51
as merry/lively as a cricket52
as one man52
(as) pleased as Punch52
(as) poor as a church mouse52
as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves53
(as) poor as Lazarus53
as shy as Daphne54
(as) sure as eggs is eggs54
as the crow flies54
as the sparks fly upward55
(as) thick as thieves55
(as) wet as a drowned rat55
ask for bread and be given a stone56
ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country56
asleep at the switch57
asphalt jungle57
ass in a lion s skin58
ass and the frogs58
ass and the wolf58
ass , the fox , and the lion59
(The) ass wags his ears59
assembly line59
Astraea s time59
at a loose end60
at loggerheads60
at one (fell) swoop60
at one s wit s end61
at sea61
at the drop of a hat62
at sixes and sevens62
at the eleventh hour63
at the end of one s tether/rope63
at the top of the tree64
Ate s malpractice64
athlete s foot65
Attic salt65
Augean stable(s)66
auld lang syne67
Aunt Sally67
Augustan Age67
ax(e) to grind68
babe in the wood(s)69
baby boom70
baby kisser70
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune71
back from Boot Hill72
back street72
back and fill72
back to square one73
back to the salt mines73
backroom boys73
backseat driver74
backstairs gossip74
backstairs influence74
bad hat75
badger game75
bag and baggage76
bag of bones76
baker s dozen76
bald eagle77
squeeze play77
Balaam s ass77
banana oil78
bald knight78
bandy words79
baptism of fire79
Barbie Doll80
bark up the wrong tree80
Barmecide feast81
basket case82
bat and the weasels82
bat a thousand82
Bataan Death March83
Bath chair83
batting average83
battle of books84
Battle of the Bulge84
battle royal84
Bay of Pigs85
be a Diana85
be blown across/over the creek86
be a Jason86
be condemned out of one s own mouth87
be/come from Missouri87
be called to the bar/Bar87
be left holding the bag88
be left in the basket88
be the captain of one s soul89
beam in one s own eye89
bear a Bellerophon letter89
bear and the tea-kettle90
bear and the two travellers90
bear garden90
bear s service91
bear/carry/take one s cross91
bear the bell91
bear/carry off the palm92
beard the lion in his den92
beat about/around the bush92
beat generation93
beat swords into plowshares93
beat the air94
beat the bushes94
beat to the punch94
Beauty is only skin deep95
Beauty and the Beast95
beauty spot96
Becky Sharp96
beauty sleep96
bed of roses97
bee line97
beef up98
beer and skittles98
before one can say Jack Robinson98
beggar description99
before the mast99
before the Flood99
behind the eightball100
behind the scenes100
believe it or not101
bell, book and candle101
bell the cat101
below the belt102
bench warmer102
bend the bow of Ulysses103
Benedict Amold103
Benjamin s mess103
better hole104
best bib and tucker104
bet one s bottom dollar104
between Scylla and Charybdis105
between cup and lip105
between the devil and the deep (blue) sea106
between wind and water106
between you and me and the post/bed-post106
beyond the pale107
Bible belt107
Big Apple107
Big Brother108
Big Ben108
Big Bang108
big enchilada109
big stick109
big wheel109
Bill Sikes110
bird of ill omen110
bite the bullet111
birthday suit111
bite one s thumb at111
bite off more than one can chew111
bite the dust112
bite the hand that feeds (one)112
Black Hand113
black hole113
bitter pill (for sb.) (to swallow)113
Black Friday113
black humour114
black letter day114
Black Maria114
Black Monday115
black sheep115
blaze a trail115
bleed white116
blind leading the blind116
blindmen s dinner117
blindman s holiday117
blood and iron policy118
Blood is thicker than water118
blood of the Grograms118
blood, toil, tears and sweat119
Bloody Mary119
blow hot and cold119
blow one s own hom/trumpet120
blow/let off steam120
blue bird121
blue blood121
blow one s top121
blue chip122
blue gown122
blue jeans122
blue Monday122
blue ribbon123
Bob s your uncle124
boat people124
boasting traveller124
bone of contention125
bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh125
bone to pick125
booby trap126
(The) boot is on the other foot/leg126
born in /to the purple126
born with a silver spoon in one s mouth127
borrowed plumes127
bottom line128
Bostan Strangler128
Bostany Bay128
boy and the filberts129
Box and Cox129
Boxing Day129
Boy Scout130
brain drain131
brain trust131
brand from the burning131
brass farthing132
Brave New World132
breach of promise132
bread-and-butter letter133
break a leg133
break the ice134
break bread with sb134
break Priscian s head134
Brevity is the soul of wit135
bring down the house135
bring home the bacon136
bring sth. to light136
British Lion137
broken reed138
Brownie point138
brown study138
Brother Jonathan138
Bruce and Spider139
Brummagem jewelry139
buck stops here140
Buckingham Palace140
Buck Rogers140
Buckley s chance141
bug in one s ear141
build on sand141
bull in a china shop142
bull and the goat142
bull of Bashan143
bundle of sticks143
Buridan s ass143
burn one s boats/bridges144
burn the candle at both ends145
burn the midnight oil145
burn with a low blue flame145
bury one s head in the sand145
bury the hatchet/tomahawk146
busman s holiday146
But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep147
butterflies in one s stomach147
but a pig in a poke148
buy the farm148
by a long chalk149
by and large149
by hook or by crook149
by the book150
by the cut of sb. s jib150
by the grapevine151
by the skin of one s teeth151
cackling geese152
cabin fever152
Cadmean victory153
Caesar s wife154
Cake is dough155
cakes and ale155
Call a spade a spade156
call over the coals156
call sb. s bluff156
(The) camel going to seek hom lost his ear157
Can the leopard change his spots158
can of worms158
cancer stick159
canned laughter159
can t hold a candle to159
Canterbury Story160
can t make a silk purse out of a sow s ear160
Cap-and-Gown Affair161
cap in hand161
cap and bells161
cap of liberty162
Captain Kidd162
Care killed a cat162
carrot and stick163
carry coals to Newcastle164
carry coals164
carry owls to Athens165
carry off meat from the graves165
carry off the palm165
carry the ball166
carry the / a torch166
case the joint167
cash flow (problem)167
cask of Danaides168
cast one s bread upon the waters169
cast pearls before swine170
cast sth. in one s teeth170
cast/throw the first stone170
castles in the air171
castles in Spain171
cat and the cock172
Cat has nine lives172
Cat may look at a king172
cat s paw173
catbird seat173
catch the golden ring174
catch as catch can174
catch a Tartar174
caviar(e) to the general175
chair days176
(The) centre cannot hold176
chalk up177
chance one s arm177
change from Saul into Paul178
change horses in midstream178
change of scene179
change like Proteus179
character issue180
charles Addams181
chastise with scorpions181
cheer sb. to the echo183
cherish a serpent in one s bosom184
chew the fat184
chew out185
chicken in every pot185
Chinaman s chance186
Chinese puzzle186
Child Harold186
chip in187
chip of /off the old block187
chip on one s shoulder188
choose that gook part188
cigar store Indian188
circle the wagons189
circumlocution office190
civil illiterary190
clay pigeon191
clean as a whistle191
clean bill of health191
clean hands191
Cleanliness is next to godliness192
cleanse the Augean stables192
clear the decks193
clear the final hurdle193
Cleopatra and her pearl194
Cleopatra s nose194
climb Pamassus195
climb/jump on the bandwagon195
close as a clam196
close ranks196
cloud nine197
cloven foot/hoof197
coast is clear197
(The) cobbler must stick to his last198
cock and bull story198
Collyer brothers199
cold shoulder199
cold war199
Colonel Blimp200
Columbus s egg200
come a cropper201
come apart at the seams201
come hat in hand201
come to light202
come (up) to (the) scratch202
Comparisons are odious203
comeback kid203
come Yorkshire over sb.203
cook sb. s goose204
cool as a cucumber205
cool one s heels205
coonskin on the wall205
Cordelia s gift206
corn in Egypt206
comer the market207
count noses208
corridors of power208
count one s chickens before they are hatched209
counted out210
countenance fell210
covenant of salt211
Coventry blue211
Cowards die many times before their deaths211
creations of Cadmus212
crocodile tears213
cross one s fingers214
cross one s heart214
cross as two sticks214
cross/pass the Rubicon215
cross the Great Divide215
cross swords with215
cross the Stygian ferry216
crown of thoms216
cry/ ask for the moon217
cry one s eyes out217
cry wolf218
cry roast meat218
cry over the spilt milk218
cupboard love219
cudgel one s brains219
Cupid shoots so trim220
Cupid s golden arrow220
curate s egg220
curious as Lot s wife221
curled darlings221
curry favour222
curtain lectures222
cut a dido223
cut and dried223
cut no ice224
cut and run224
cut blocks with a razor224
cut of sb. s jib225
cut one s stick225
cut the coat according to the cloth226
cut the Gordian knot226
cut to the quick227
cut the mustard227
daily bread229
daily dozen229
Dame Partington and her mop229
Damon and Pythias230
dance attendance on /upon sb.230
dance on a volcano231
Daniel come to judgement231
Daniel in the den of lions231
Daphnis and Chloe232
Darby and Joan232
dark horse233
dark meat233
Darth Vader233
daughter of Eve234
daughter of the horseleech234
David and Jonathan235
Davy Jones s locker235
day that will live in infamy236
dead as a door-nail237
dead end kids237
Dead Sea fruit237
dead soldier238
deaf as an adder239
Dear John letter239
The deck is stacked against sb.240
Delphic oracles241
Deep Throat241
depart from evil,and do good242
despise pride with a greater pride242
devil can cite Scripture for his purpose242
devil to pay242
devil s advocate243
Diana of the Ephesians243
didn t lay a golve on244
(The) die is cast244
dig up the hatchet245
dine with Duke Humphrey246
disc jockey246
discretion is the better part of valour247
divide garments by casting lots247
do a number on sb.248
do as you want to be done by248
do in Rome as the Romans do249
do it up brown249
dog and the cook249
dog and the shadow249
dog days250
dog in the manger250
doggie bag251
Don Juan252
domino effect252
dollar diplomacy252
Don Quixote253
donkey s years253
don t call us , we ll call you254
don t make any graven image255
dot the /one s i s and cross the /one s t s255
double-edged sword256
double dome256
double in brass256
double jeopardy257
doubting Thomas258
doves and hawks258
down for the count259
dove of peace259
down and out259
down to the wire260
down in the dumps260
down the aisle260
Down Under261
Downing Street261
Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde262
Draconian law262
Dragon Lady263
draw a blank263
draw a bow at a venture263
draw a /the line264
draw Dun out of the mire264
draw sb. s teeth264
draw the longbow265
draw the wool over sb. s eye265
dress to the nines266
drink hemlock266
drop in the bucket/ocean267
drink like a fish267
drive out of the temple267
drop one s guard268
drop the other shoe268
drop the pilot268
(A)drowning man will catch at a straw269
dry behind the ears269
duck soup270
(A) dump man never gets land270
Dunkirk evacuation270
dust and ashes271
Dutch bargain271
Dutch concert272
Dutch courage272
Dutch defense272
Dutch feast273
Dying Swan273
Dutch treat273
eager beaver274
eat crow275
eat high on / off the hog275
eat humble pie275
eat no fish276
eat one s cake and have it too276
eat one s heart out277
eat one s own flesh277
eat out of sb. s hand278
eat sb. out of house and home278
eat sb. s salt278
eat the fat of the land279
eat the fruit of one s own doings279
Eden garden280
eat the leek280
El Dorado282
elbow grease282
Egyptian darkness282
elbow room283
Elmer Gantry283
eloquence of Aaron283
emperor s new clothes284
empty nester284
empty suit285
end run285
enough to make a cat speak286
enough to make the angels weep286
enter the lists287
entertain angels/an angel unawares287
era of the common man288
even Steven290
Every dog has his day290
Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost291
ewe lamb291
eye for eye292
Fabian policy/tactics293
face the music293
fair deal294
fair-haired boy295
fairy money295
fall between two stools295
fall by the wayside296
fall from grace296
fall of Jericho297
fall guy297
fall into Tartarus297
fall on one s feet298
fall on one s sword298
fall on stony ground298
fall to the ground299
family skeleton300
Fanny Adams301
farmer and the snake301
farmer and sons301
fasten your seat belts301
fat cat302
(The) fat is in the fire302
Faustian spirit302
fear the Jews303
favorite son303
feast of Lucullus304
feast or a famine304
feather in one s cap304
feather one s nest305
feet of clay305
fiddle while Rome bums306
field of blood306
fifth column307
Fifth Avenue307
fifth wheel308
fig leaf308
fight like Kilkenny cats308
fight with the gloves off (on)309
fight (with) windmills309
fill the bill310
filthy lucre310
find the length of one s foot311
final solution311
find the bean in the cake311
find a true bill311
finish Aladdin s window312
Fine feathers make fine birds312
finishing touch313
Fire and Ice313
fireside chat313
first string314
fish in troubled waters314
fish or cut bait315
fish out of water315
fish story315
fit to a T316
fix sb. s wagon316
flash in the pan317
flea in one s ear317
Fleet marriage318
Fleet Street318
flea market318
flesh-pots of Egypt319
flies and the honey pot319
flitch of Dunmow319
flog a dead horse320
Florence Nightingale320
flourish like the green bay tree321
flower child321
flower power321
flutter the dovecotes322
fly a kite322
fly in the ointment323
fly off the handle323
fly on the coach-wheel324
fly the coop324
Foggy Bottom324
fool s bolt is soon shot325
follow one s nose325
follow suit325
for a song326
forbidden fruit326
forgotten man327
forlom hope327
Fort Knox327
foul play328
foul ball328
forty winks328
four-letter words329
Fourth of July Speech329
Fred Astaire330
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers330
free lance331
free lunch331
freedom of Pan331
friends in high places332
Freudian slip332
Friday the thirteenth332
from China to Peru333
from Dan to Beersheba333
from hand to mouth333
from his foot Hercules334
from pillar to post334
from Saul to Paul335
from the housetops335
full court press336
full of beans336
funny bone336
gall and wormwood338
galf of bitterness338
(The) game is not worth the candle338
Garrison finish339
(The) game is up339
game plan339
gay Lothario340
Gary Cooper340
Gentleman s Agreement341
gaze into the crystal ball341
generation gap341
get cold feet343
get down to brass tacks343
get it in the neck343
get on one s high horse344
get sb. by the short hairs344
get sb. s goat344
get the ax(e)345
get the brass ring345
get the drop on345
get the hook346
get the sack346
get the short end of the stick346
get to /reach first base347
get up on the wrong side of the bed347
ghost walks347
Gibson girl348
gift of the Magi348
gild/paint the lily349
gild the pill349
gird (up) one s loins350
give a lick and a promise350
give a taste of one s quality350
give a wide berth351
give an edge to351
give and take351
give pause352
give one the old college try352
Give me where to stand , and I will move the world352
give sb. the wall353
give sb. the raspberry353
give sb. the axe353
give the thumbs down354
give up the ghost354
give them hell354
glove money355
gnash one s teeth355
go balcheaded for sth./sb.355
go berserk356
go by the board356
go down like ninepins357
go Dutch357
go for it357
go from strength to strength358
go hard with sb.358
go over the top359
go one better359
go on the stump359
go the whole hog360
go the distance360
go the way of all flesh360
go through fire and water361
go to Bath361
go to Halifax361
go to Jericho362
go to one s account362
go to pot363
go/run to seed363
go to one s long/last home363
go to the dogs364
go to the wall364
go to town364
go west365
go where the woodbine twineth365
God helps those who help themselves365
God tempers the wind to the shom lamb366
Gog and Magog367
golden calf368
golden fleece368
golden shower368
Golden State369
gone coon369
gone for a Burton370
gone with the wind370
good Samaritan371
Good wine needs no bush371
go-to guy372
grain of mustard seed372
Grand Prix373
Grand Central Station373
grasp the nettle374
grandstand play374
grass roots375
grass window375
gravy train375
Great Depression376
great gulf fixed376
great leap forward376
Great White Hope377
Great Scott377
Great White Father377
Greek gift(s)378
Green Beret378
Green-eyed monster378
green thumb379
green with envy379
Greyhound Therapy380
Gretna Green marriage380
Greenwich Village380
grin like a Cheshire cat381
grind the face of sb.381
ground rule382
Grub Street382
guinea pig382
Gulliver and Lilliputians382
guns before butter383
hair of the dog (that bit you)384
hair stand on end384
Hairy Ape385
halcyon days385
half seas over386
ham actor386
hand in glove387
hand on the torch387
hand to mouth388
hand over fist388
hands down389
handwriting on the wall389
hang by a thread389
hang in there390
hang me in a bottle like a cat390
hang up the gloves391
hang over one s head391
hang one s harp on the willows391
happy as a clam392
happy hunting ground392
happy warrior392
hard hat393
hare and the hound393
Harmonia s necklace394
Harley Street394
hare and the tortoise394
hat trick395
hatchet man395
haul over the coals395
have a bee in one s bonnet396
have a bone to pick with sb.396
have a chip on one s shoulder397
have a frog in one s/the throat397
have a field day397
have a good innings398
have a green bonnet398
have a hunch that398
have a memory like an elephant398
have a screw loose399
have/hold(all) the cards (in one s hand/hands)399
have kissed the Blarney stone400
have itching ears400
have an ear to the ground400
have many irons in the fire401
have one over the eight401
have one s foot on sb. s neck401
have sb. on the hip402
have/keep sth.up one s sleeve402
have the ball at one s feet403
have the upper hand403
have two strikes against(one)403
have two strings to one s bow404
have windmills in one s head404
He who has ears, let him hear405
heap coals of fire on sb. s head405
heap Pelion upon Ossa406
Heart of Darkness406
Hearts and Flowers406
heavy hitter407
hellenistic romance408
hell for leather408
Hemingway code409
Hemingway style409
hen and the golden eggs409
Hercules s choice410
Hermes fire411
Hero and Leander411
hide one s light under a bushel411
high flyer412
high horse412
High Noon413
high jinks413
Hippocratic oath414
hit below the belt414
hit list414
hit on all six415
Hogarth s line416
hoe one s own row416
Hobson s choice416
hoist with one s own petard417
hold one s horses417
hold out the olive branch417
hold the bag418
hold the belt419
hold the fort419
hold water419
Hellow Men420
hole and comer420
Holy Grail421
Hollywood Ten421
Holy League422
Holy Willie422
Homeric laughter422
Homer sometimes nods423
honest lndian423
Horatius at the bridge425
hom of plenty425
horse of another colour425
horse opera426
hot line427
hostage to fortune427
Howard Beach428
huff and puff428
Humphrey Bogart428
hundred days428
Hyde Park s democracy429
I bring you good tidings of great joy430
I am in control here430
I am a Dutchman430
I do not choose to run431
I have a dream431
I must put on my conjuring cap432
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden432
Iacocca lee A432
If he be angry, he knows how to turn his girdle433
ice-skate in hell433
If it s Tuesday, this must be Belgiun434
If the mountain will not come to Mohammed434
If winter comes , can spring be far behind434
If you can t stand the heat , stay out of the kitchen435
I m all right , Jack435
I m from Missouri435
Importance of Being Eamest436
improve each/the shining hour436
in a box437
in a nutshell437
in a pickle437
in a Pickwickian sense438
in Abraharn s bosom438
in Carey street438
in fine feather439
in deep water (s)439
in clover439
in good set terms440
in low water440
in one s black books441
in one s good books441
in one s heart of hearts441
in sackcloth and ashes442
in one s right mind442
in one s mind s eye442
in seven-league(d) boots443
in stitches443
in the altogether444
in the arms of Morpheus444
in the ballpark445
in the buff445
in the doghouse445
in the homestretch446
in the groove446
in the doldrums446
in the driver s seat446
in the limelight447
in the long run447
in the red447
in the seventh heaven448
in the sweat of one s face448
in the twinkling of an eye449
in the van449
Indian file450
Indian giver450
Indian summer450
Innocents Abroad451
inside the Beltway452
interrogation of the old man452
kangaroo court475
keep an ace up one s sleeve476
keep banker s hours476
keep body and soul together476
keep one s fingers crossed477
keep one s head above water477
keep one s shirt on478
keep one s pecker up478
keep one s powder dry478
keep the ball rolling479
keep the wolf from the door479
keep up with the Joneses480
Kent State480
Kentish fire480
kettle of fish480
keynote speech481
kick against the pricks481
kick sb. upstairs482
kick the bucket482
kill the fatted calf483
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs483
kill with kindness484
killing Fields484
Kilroy was here485
kindness of strangers485
King Arthur486
King Caucus486
King Charles s head486
King Kong487
King Lear487
King stork487
Kingdom of the lion488
King s English488
kiss the rod489
knight of the rueful countenance489
knock off work489
knock on wood490
knocked into a cocked hat490
know the ropes491
Know a hawk from a hamdsaw491
know sb./sth. like a book491
know which side one s bread is buttered (on)492
Knowledge is power492
knuckle down492
labour of Hercules494
labour of love494
labour of Sisyphus495
laconic reply495
Lady Bountiful496
Lady Chatterley496
Lady Codiva496
Lady Macbeth497
Lady of Babylon497
lady-or-tigar situation498
lame duck498
land of milk and honey498
land of Nod499
land of the midnight sun499
last but not least500
land of Promise500
land-office business500
(the) last Mohegan/Mohican501
last hurrah501
last straw502
last supper502
Laurel and Hardy503
law of the Medes and Persians503
lay a flattering unction to one s soul504
lay an egg504
lay pipe505
lay up in a napkin505
lead a charmed life506
lazy as Lawrence506
lead by the nose507
lead apes in hell507
lead with one s chin508
leap of faith508
leave no stone unturned508
leave sb. flat509
leave sb. in the lurch509
left-handed compliment510
left-handed marriage510
leonine contract511
let George do it511
let the cat out of the bag512
let sleeping dogs lie512
let one s hair down512
let the dead bury their dead513
letter of Uriah513
lie in one s throat514
Life is a Dream515
life of Riley515
light year516
like a house on fire516
like/as a thief in the night517
like a red rag to a bull517
like a Trojan518
like Hamlet without the Prince( of Denmark)518
like sixty518
like the Black Hole of Calcutta519
line one s (own) pockets519
lion and the farmer520
lion and the hare520
lion and the frog520
lion and the fox520
lion and the mouse521
lion in the way/path521
lion s provider522
lion s share522
lion,the bear,and the fox522
lion,the fox,and the ass523
litmus test523
Little Rock523
live like fighting cocks523
loaves and fishes524
lobster shift524
lock,stock and barrel525
London Bridge526
long row to hoe527
Lone Ranger527
lone wolf527
look to one s laurels528
loose cannon528
look a gift horse in the mouth528
Lord Jim529
lose face529
Lost Generation529
lost sheep530
lotus eaters530
love is (as)strong as death531
Love me,love my dog531
low blow532
lunatic fringe532
Lydford law532
Lynch law533
mad as a hatter535
mad as a March hare535
Madison Avenue535
Madison Avenue techniques536
Mae West536
Maginot Line537
magic carpet537
magic bullet537
Main Street538
make a pass at538
make bricks without straw538
make do and mend539
make hay of539
make light of540
make no bones about540
make the fur fly541
make the big league/major leagues541
make rings round sb.541
man and boy542
make things hum542
man for all seasons543
man Friday543
man of straw544
man on horseback544
(the) man who came to dinner544
Many talk of Robin Hood that never shot in his bow545
many ways to skin a cat546
mare s nest546
Marie Curie547
Marilyn Monroe547
mark time547
Marshall Plan548
marriage knot548
(the) Mars people land548
Marlboro Man548
May pole549
play by ear549
me generation550
me Tarzan,you Jane551
Measure for Measure551
Medea s kettle552
meet one in the Duke s Walk552
meet one s Waterloo552
melting pot553
merchant of death553
Merry Wives of Windsor554
Micky Mouse554
Mercury fig554
Mickey Finn554
Midas touch556
midsummer madness556
milk for the Hottentots556
mind one s P s and Q s557
milk of human kindness557
mind the store558
mistake the shadow for substance559
Model T559
Modest Proposal559
moment of truth560
Mona Lisa smile560
Monday-morning quarterback560
monkey business561
Money has no smell561
more in sorrow than in anger562
month of Sundays562
Money Makes the mare go562
more sinned against than sinning563
most forcible Feeble564
Mother Bunch564
motherhood and apple-pie565
mountain in labour565
movers and shakers565
much ado about nothing568
much cry and little wool569
Murphy s Law571
music of Amphion572
Mutt and Jeff573
My fingers itch to be at him573
My Lai574
Myrmidon of the Law574
Naboth s vineyard575
nail one s colours to the mast575
nail to the counter576
naked truth576
nail to the pillory576
Naughty Nineties577
neither fish nor fowl577
neither rhyme nor reason578
nest egg579
nervous Nelly580
never-never land580
New Deal580
new wine in old bottles581
Newgate knocker581
night of the long knives582
Nice Nelly582
Newton s apple582
nimble ninepence583
nine day s wonder583
Ninety-eight-cent man585
nineteenth hole585
nip in the bud585
no great shakes585
no holds barred586
No names,no pack drill586
no respecter of persons586
Nobel Prize587
Noah s ark587
noble savage588
Norman blood588
nose jewels588
nose of wax589
nose under the tent589
not an iota of590
not have a word to throw at a dog590
not know sb. from Adam591
not room to swing a cat591
not worth a brass farthing592
not worth a damn592
not turn a hair592
not worth a rush593
not worth one s salt593
not worth a rap593
number sands594
Number Ten594
nurse/cherish/a viper in one s bosom594
nuts and bolts595
Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm596
(the)observed of all observers596
Of Human Bondage599
off base599
of the first water599
off the beam600
often a bridesmaid but never a bride600
old as Methuselah601
old Adam601
old guard602
old lady of Threacheedle Street602
old man of the sea602
old school tie603
olive branch603
on a plate604
on one s beam-ends604
on the ball605
on tenterhooks605
on one s perch605
on one s toes605
on the cards606
on the Greek calends606
on the button606
on the carpet607
on the high ropes607
on the house607
on the nose608
on the right (wrong) tack608
on the rack608
on the rocks609
on the ropes609
on the side of the angels609
on the water cart/wagon610
once in a blue moon610
one-horse town611
one degree under611
one s cup of tea612
one s name is Mudd612
Open Door policy613
open sesame613
open season613
Orchard Street614
ordeal by fire614
Orestes and Pylades615
original sin615
ostrich policy616
other side of the shield617
out-Herod Herod617
out of humour618
out of joint618
out of the blue619
out of sorts619
out of left field619
Oval Office620
over a barrel620
pack the court622
packed like sardines622
paddle one s own canoe622
paddy wagon623
pain in the neck623
paint oneself into a comer623
paint the lily624
paint the town red624
Pal Joey624
Pandora s box625
pan out625
paper chase626
paper over the cracks627
paper tiger627
par for the course628
pardon/excuse sb. s French628
Park Avenue628
Parthian shot/shaft629
pass the buck629
pass the hat630
pass under the yoke630
pathetic fallacy630
patience on a monument631
Paul Bunyan631
Paul Pry631
pay sb.back in his own coin632
pay on the nail632
pay (dear) for one s whistle632
pay through the nose633
Peace Corps633
peacock and the crane633
Peck s bad boy634
pecking order634
peeping Tom635
(The) pen is mightier than the sword635
Penelope s web636
(a)penny for your thoughts636
(a)penny plain and two-pence colored637
penny-wise and pound-foolish637
Perry Mason638
peter out638
Peter Pan639
Peter Principle639
Peterloo Massacre640
Philadelphia lawyer640
Philemon and Baucis641
Physician,heal yourself641
pidgin English642
pick up the gauntlet642
pie in the sky643
pied piper643
pig in the middle643
pig in a poke644
pigeon pair644
Pilate asked about truth645
pile Pelion on Ossa645
Pierian spring645
pin money646
pinch hitter646
pink slip646
pin-up girl647
plain as a pikestaff648
Platonic love648
play a good knife and fork648
play a waiting game649
play cat and mouse with649
play ducks and drakes650
play fast and loose650
play gooseberry651
play hardball651
play in Peoria651
play it close to the vest652
play possum652
play second fiddle652
play the sedulous ape653
play the field653
play (for) safety653
play to the gallery654
plough with another s heifer654
poet laureate655
point of no return655
poor as Job656
pot calling the kettle black657
pottage of lentiles658
potter s field658
pound of flesh659
pour oil on troubled waters659
primrose path661
Prince Charming661
Procrustean bed662
prodigal son662
profiles in courage663
Promethean fire663
Proof of the pudding is in the eating663
prunes and prism(s)664
pull a boner665
pull a punch/punches665
pull devil,pull baker666
pull sb. s leg666
pull sth. out of the hat666
pull the chestnuts out of the fire667
pull the strings667
pull the wool over sb. s eyes668
punch drunk668
pumpkin papers668
Purple Heart669
Punch-and-Judy nose669
Punic faith669
put on the black cap670
put a spoke in sb. s wheel670
put on one s thinking cap670
put on the Ritz671
put on the dog671
put one s foot in one s mouth672
put one s nose out of joint672
put one s shoulder to the wheel672
put salt on one s tail673
put sb. in the cart673
put sb. on the spot673
put the cart before the horse674
Pylades and Orestes674
Pyrrhic victory675
quality of mercy is not strained676
quantum leap/jump676
quarrel with one s bread and butter676
Queen of Sheba677
queer sb. s pitch677
Queer Street677
quench (the) smoking flax678
quick on the draw678
quiz kid679
rabbit hole680
rack one s brains(s)680
raise Cain681
rain cats and dogs681
rain check681
rank and file682
read between the lines683
read the riot act683
real McCoy683
real Simon Pure684
reap where one has not sown684
reckon without one s host685
Red Beard685
red herring across the path686
red-letter day686
red tape686
reed shaken by the wind687
requisition from Semele687
rest on one s laurels688
return to one s muttons689
rich as Croesus689
restless like Ulysses689
ride roughshod over690
Richard Cory690
ride backwards up Holborn Hill690
ride the stang691
right-hand man691
ring a bell691
ring of Amasis692
ring the bell692
ring the changes692
ring true693
Rip Van Winkle693
rise from the ashes694
Rita Hayworth694
(the) road not taken695
rob Peter to pay Paul695
Robin Hood696
Robinson Crusoe696
Roland for an Oliver697
roll in the aisles697
Roman holiday698
roll out the red carpet698
roll with a punch698
Rolls Royce698
Rome was not built in a day699
Romeo and Juliet699
rose by any other name would smell as sweet700
rose garden rubbish700
rose-coloured spectacles700
roses (roses) all the way701
round robin701
round table702
rub (sb.)(up) the wrong way702
rule of thumb703
rule with a rod of iron703
(The) run of the true love is never smooth704
run against Hoover704
run rings around/round705
run the gauntlet705
run to earth706
running dog706
Russian roulette706
Ruth gleans the free grain707
sacred cow709
sad sack709
sail under false colours710
salad days710
salt of the earth711
salt of youth711
(The) sands are running out712
sands of life712
sandwich generation713
Sarpedon s age713
Saturday Night Massacre714
Saturday night special715
save one s/sb. s bacon/neck/skin715
saved by the bell716
saw the air716
say cheese717
Say it ain t so717
say it with flowers718
scales fall from sb. s eyes718
scarborough warning719
scarlet letter719
scorched earth720
school for scandal720
Scotland Yard722
Scottsboro Boys722
screw up one s courage722
sealed with seven seals723
seamy side723
see a wolf724
see eye to eye (with)724
see one s back725
see red725
see the elephant725
sell like hot cakes726
sell one s birthright for a mess of pottage726
sell Robin Hood s pennyworth726
sell sb. down the river727
sell the pass727
send sb. to the showers728
send owls to Athens728
send sb. to Coventry728
separate but equal729
separate the sheep from the goats729
September Mom729
set by the ears730
set of wheels731
set one s cap at/for731
set one s face against731
set sb. s teeth on edge732
set the Thames on fire732
Seven against Thebes733
Seven Dwarfs733
seventh heaven734
seven-year itch734
seventy times seven734
shake the dust from / off one s feet735
Sherlock Holmes736
shield of Achilles736
ships that pass in the night737
shirt of Nessus737
shoot Niagara738
shoot one s bolt738
short shrift738
shot heard round the world739
shot in the arm739
show one s cards740
shotgun marriage/wedding740
show a leg740
show the white feather741
show one s horns741
show one s true colours741
shuffle off this mortal coil742
shuttle diplomacy743
sight for sore eyes744
silent generation744
silent majority745
Silicon Valley745
silly season746
silver-fork school746
Simon Legree746
sing for one s supper747
sing the blues747
sink or swim748
siren song748
sit above the salt749
Sister Carrie749
Sisyphean Stone749
sitting duck750
sixty-four thousand dollar question750
skate on thin ice751
skeleton at the feast751
skeleton in the cupboard/closet752
skin sb. alive752
skin of one s teeth752
slate sb.753
sleep like a top754
sleeping beauty754
slough of despond755
slings and arrows (of outrageous fortune)755
sleepy hollow755
small deer756
Small is beautiful757
small potatoes757
smell a rat757
smite hip and thigh758
smite sb. under the fifth rib758
smoking gun759
Smokey Bear759
smoke the calumet/smoke the pipe of peace759
snail mail760
snake and the eagle760
snake in one s bosom760
snake in the grass761
snake-oil salesman761
snow iob761
soap opera762
sober as a judge762
Socratic irony763
Sodom and Gomorrah763
Socratēs s wife763
(A) soft answer turns away wrath764
Somebody s name is mud764
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark765
something old , something new;some-thing borrowed,something blue765
son of a gun766
Son of Sam766
sop to Cerberus767
sour grapes768
South Sea Bubble768
sow dragon s teeth769
sow one s (wild) oats769
spark plug770
sow the wind and reap the whirlwind770
spare the rod770
speak daggers771
spend a penny771
Sphinx s riddle772
spike sb. s guns772
spill the beans772
(The) spirit is willing but the flesh is weak773
spin one s wheels773
split hairs774
spit and polish774
spoil the Egyptians775
spoils system775
spring chicken776
Square Deal776
square peg in a round hole777
square the circle777
stalking horse778
squire of dames778
staff of life778
stamping/stomping ground779
stand aloof779
stand in the doorway780
stand on one s own feet780
stand pat780
steal a march (on sb.)781
stave off781
state of the art781
steal sb. s thunder782
Stepin Fetchit782
stick in sb. s throat783
stick one s chin out784
stick out like a sore thumb784
still small voice785
stick to one s guns785
sticking place785
Stolen apples are the sweetest786
stomach of an ostrich787
Stones will cry out787
stool pigeon788
storm in the teacup788
straight from the shoulder789
strain at a gnat and swallow a camel789
staight from the horse s mouth789
strange bedfellows790
straw in the wind791
straw poll791
strength of Antaeus792
Strephon and Chloe792
Strephon and Phyllis793
stretch a point793
strike a bargain793
stuffed shirt794
strike out794
strong meat794
stumbling block795
stump speaker796
suck the monkey796
sucker list796
suit the action to the word797
summer soldiers and sunshine patriots797
sugar/sweeten the pill797
survival of the fittest798
suspicion of Procris798
swallow one s words799
swallow the bait,hook,line and sinker799
swan song799
swap horses in midstream800
sweep the board800
sweeten the pot801
sweet and twenty801
Sweet Fanny Adams801
swift as Mercury802
swing the lamp802
swing voters802
sword of Damocles803
take a message to Garcia804
take French leave804
take pot luck805
take sb. down a peg805
take it on the chin805
take of the gloves805
take sb. for a ride806
take sb. red-handed806
take silk807
take the bull by the horns807
take the gilt off the gingerbread808
take the Fifth808
take the cake808
take the King s shilling809
take the pet809
take the wall of809
take time by the forelock810
take up the gauntlet810
take up the hatchet810
talk Billingsgate811
taken aback811
talk like a Dutch uncle812
talk through one s hat812
talk turkey812
tall tale813
tar and feather814
tarred with the same brush814
teachings of Balaam815
teach one s grandmother to suck eggs815
teddy bear816
Teddy boy816
tell it/that to the marines817
tell it not in Gath817
ten commandments818
thank one s (lucky)stars819
thank-you-ma ma819
That s the ticket819
That s the way the ball bounces820
Their name is legion820
There is nothing like leather821
There is nothing new under the sun821
There s the rub821
thirty pieces of silver822
third degree822
thirty-eighth parallel823
thorn in the flesh823
Thousand and One Nights824
three sheets in /to the wind824
through the looking-glass824
through with one s star825
throw down the gauntlet825
throw dust in/into sb. s eyes825
throw up/in the sponge826
throw sb. a curve826
throw the handkerchief to826
thrust down sb. s throat827
thumb a lift/ride827
tie the knot828
tied to sb. s apron strings828
tilt at windmills829
Time is the great physicain830
Time is money830
Time is out of joint830
Tin Pan Alley831
Tinker to Evers to Chance831
tip of the iceberg832
tit for tat832
to be or not to be-that is the question833
To err is human834
to the bitter end834
to the crack of the doom834
to the four winds835
to the manner born835
to the top of one t bent836
toe the line836
Tom thumb837
Tom,Dick and Harry837
Tom and Jerry837
Tom Tiddler s ground838
Tommy Atkins838
tongue in cheek838
too far north839
tooth and nail839
touch all bases840
Tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping840
touch and go841
touch base841
touch wood841
tough act to follow842
tower of Babel842
tower of strength843
triple threat844
Treasure Island844
trail one s coat844
track record844
Trojan horse845
Trojan War845
true as Ripon steel846
true as Troilus846
True blue will never stain846
true lover s knots847
tune the old cow died of847
turn a blind eye848
turn a deaf ear848
turn in one s spurs849
turn one s face to the wall849
turn over a new leaf849
turn the tables850
turn thumbs down850
turn the other cheek850
turn turtle851
tweedledum and tweedledee852
twenty-one gun salute852
two frogs852
two pots853
two wallets853
Uncle Sam854
ugly duckling854
Uncle Tom855
under sb. s thumb856
under the aegis of sb.856
under the counter856
under the hammer857
under the rose857
under the umbrella of858
under the weather858
under the table858
United Nations859
university wits859
up a gum-tree860
up Salt River860
up the creek861
up the down staircase861
up to the mark862
up the spout862
up the river862
upon the housetops863
upper crust863
upper hand864
upset the apple cart864
upstage sb.865
Uzzah s hand865
valley of the shadow of death867
valley of Achor867
Vanity Fair868
Venus s flower basket868
vent one s spleen869
venture all in one bottom869
very like a whale869
Vine and the goat870
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