
- 范思泓主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国法制出版社
- ISBN:7801823508
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:547页
- 文件大小:21MB
- 文件页数:568页
- 主题词:劳动法-中国
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世贸组织协议在欧盟法中的法律地位——欧共体法院在区域一体化抗拒全球化过程中的作用 陈海波1
Status of WTO Agreements in EU Laws:ECJ's Role in the Resistance of Regioanlisation to Globalisation Chen Haibo30
从保护到进攻——欧盟贸易政策工具的发展趋势 丛林67
Moving from Protectionism to the Offensive——the Development Tendency of the European Community's Trade Policy Instruments Cong Lin93
欧盟与美国法律中的互联网服务商版权侵权责任 范思泓122
Internet Service Providers'(ISPs)Copyright Infringement Liability in EU and US Fan Sihong149
与欧洲联盟订立协议——欧盟法律人格、缔约能力和国际条约影响分析 高玉美183
Concluding an Agreement with the European Union——an Analysis of the EU's Legal Personality,Competence and the Effects of an International Agreement Gao Yumei198
捍卫无锁之门——试论欧盟内部警务合作存在的主要问题及对策 李安容218
Entering and Exiting the Door with No Lock——Problems and Strategies in Improving the Efficiency of Police Cooperation in the EU Li Anrong232
网络空间的法律适用与管辖权 刘华253
Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in Cyberspace Liu Hua268
报告可疑洗钱:仅仅是损失了信任? 刘路阳286
Reporting Suspicious Money Laundering:Just a Loss of Trust? Liu Luyang304
合并控制领域内竞争政策和产业政策的关系:欧共体的经验以及中国应当从中学习什么? 刘向明324
Relationship between Competition Policy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation:E.C.'s Experiences and What China should Learn from It? Liu Xiangming334
欧盟法律融合的主要原因 钱明树349
The Main Causes for Legal Integration in the European Union Qian Mingshu362
欧盟知识产权制度的统一与多样化 杨红菊379
Uniformity and Diversity of Intellectual Property Right System in European Union Yang Hongju394
对欧洲人权法院一个有关沉默权问题态度的述评 姚平平411
Evaluation of the Attitude of ECHR on Aspect of the Right to Silence Yao Pingping422
论如何消除电讯领域中欧盟增值税体制的信息失真问题 詹昊435
How to Eliminate Distortions of the EU—VAT System in the Telecommunieations Field Zhan Hao451
欧洲法院适用比例性原则是否干涉欧盟机构和成员国的自由裁量权 左秀美470
Does the Application of the Principle of Proportionality by the European Court ofJustice Respect the Discretionary Power of Community Institutions and Member States? Zuo Xiumei483
衡平地保护合法期待——为何保护以及如何保护因非法行政行为产生的合法期待 张兴祥502
Protecting Legitimate Expectations Equitably——Why and How should Expectations Arising from Illegal Administrative Activities be Protected Zhang Xingxiang523
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