
- 张丽娟主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561127022
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:219页
- 文件大小:11MB
- 文件页数:231页
- 主题词:暂缺
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2.A Close Mouth Catches No Flies口紧不招祸2
3.A Fox in a Lamb's Skin披着羊皮的狼4
4.A Piece ofJunk一文不值5
5.A Smooth Article八面玲珑的人6
6.A Spanish Athlete吹牛的人7
7.All at Sea茫然不知所措8
8.An Inch Breaks No Square鸡毛蒜皮,无关大局9
9.Anything Wrong?有什么不对吗?11
10.Appetite Comes with Eating得陇望蜀12
11.As Easy as A B C易如反掌14
12.Ask Me a Harder!问点新鲜的!15
13.Bad News Travels Fast好事不出门,坏事传千里17
14.Be Serious!认真点!严肃点!19
15.Business Is Business公事公办20
16.Come On!来吧!快点!21
17.Count Me On算我一个22
18.Devil's Luck真倒霉24
19.Diamond Cuts Diamond强中更有强中手26
20.Don't Make a Fuss!别大惊小怪的!27
21.Don't Mention It!打住!29
22.Dumb as a Wooden Indian愚蠢得像木头人一样30
23.Easier Said Than Done说时容易做时难31
24.Even Worse其结果更糟糕32
25.Every Dog Has His Day人人都有得意时34
26.Feel Better?感觉好一点吗?35
27.Fish in Troubled Water浑水摸鱼37
28.Follow Suit跟牌;照着做39
29.Forget It算了吧;别往心里去41
30.For the Love of Mike看在上帝的分上43
31.Get It?明白了吗?44
32.Get the Sack被解雇了46
33.God Knows!天知道!47
34.God Sends Fortune to Fools傻人有傻福49
35.Go Ahead继续做某事51
36.Great Minds Think Alike英雄所见略同53
37.Ham It Up做得过分了55
38.Haste Makes Waste欲速则不达56
39.Here Goes!看我的!57
40.Hold Your Jaw!别多嘴!58
41.How Come?怎么会呢?60
42.How Is That?怎么会那样呢?61
43.How So?事情怎么会这样呢?63
44.I Can't Agree More我完全同意64
45.I Come from Missouri我不会轻易相信的66
46.I Make It我成功了67
47.I'm Easy我无所谓68
48.I'm Fed Up对这个我都腻透了69
49.I Mean Business我说的是真的,不是开玩笑70
50.If You Insist恭敬不如从命72
51.It All Depends视情况而定73
52.It Works好用74
53.It's beyond Me这个我可不懂76
54.It's Good Money那可是赚钱的买卖77
55.It's the First Step That Costs万事开头难78
56.Lazy Dog懒东西80
57.Leave Me Alone让我一个人呆一会儿81
58.Let It Go随它去吧83
59.Let's Bygones Be Bygones既往不咎85
60.Like Father,like Son有其父必有其子87
61.Like for Like以牙还牙88
62.Look before You Leap三思而后行89
63.Make It Snappy!快点儿干!91
64.Make Yourself at Home随便点;别客气92
65.Meet One's Match棋逢对手93
66.Miles Better好得多95
67.Mind Your Own Business别管闲事96
68.Mind Your P's and Q's谨言慎行98
69.Misfortunes Never Come Alone祸不单行99
70.Money Makes Mare Go有钱能买鬼推磨100
71.Money Talks金钱万能101
72.Much of a Muchness半斤八两102
73.Much Will Have More越有越贪103
74.My Favorite这是我最喜欢的105
75.Never Heard of It从没听说过106
76.Never Put Off till Tomorrow今日事,今日毕108
77.Never Say Die永不言败109
78.Nice Work!干得漂亮!110
79.No Offence不想冒犯你,别见怪111
80.No Picnic不是一件轻松的事情112
81.No Such Thing 没有的事儿113
82.None ofYour Business!不关你的事儿!115
84.Not on Your Life你休想118
85.Not That!不是那么回事儿!119
86.NotWorth a Bean一文不值121
87.Nothing Matters to Me我无所谓122
88.Now You're Talking说得对124
89.Oil and Water Will Not Mix水火不相容125
90.Once in a Blue Moon千载难逢127
91.One False Move May Lose the Game一着走错,全盘皆输128
92.Perhaps Some Other Day改天吧130
93.Plain Sailing太容易了131
94.Please Don't Bother请不要费心了132
95.Pour Oil on Fire火上浇油133
96.Pour Oil on the(Troubled)Waters调停争端134
98.Pull Oneself Together振作起来136
100.Same as Ever一切如故139
101.Search Me真让你考住了140
102.Serve You Right活该142
103.Small Potatoes小人物143
104.Sold Again!又上当了!144
105.Speak of the Devil说曹操,曹操到146
106.Speak the Same Language志同道合147
107.Take It Easy放松点149
108.Take It or Leave It要不要随你的便150
109.Take One's Time别着急,慢慢来151
110.Take Things As They Come既来之,则安之153
111.Talk Much,and Err Much言多必失154
112.Tall Trees Catch Much Wind树大招风156
113.Tastes Differ人各有好158
114.That's a Bargain买得真便宜160
115.That's It就是这么回事162
116.That's More like It这样才对163
117.That's My Cup of Tea这是我喜欢的164
118.That's Nothing没什么165
119.That's What I Want这正是我想做的事情166
120.The Early Bird Catches the Worm捷足先登168
121.The Mountain in Labour雷声大,雨点小169
122.The Shoe Is on the Other Foot情况大不一样170
123.There Is Nothing to It太简单了171
124.There You Go Againg 你又来这套了172
125.Things Are in Good Train 事情很顺利174
126.Things Will Be Better一切都会好起来的176
127.Times Change时代不同了178
128.Time Cures All Things时间能够医治所有的创伤180
129.To Err Is Human犯错误是人之常情182
130.Too Much for Him对他来说太难了184
131.Two's Company,Three's None两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃186
132.Up to You你自己来决定188
133.Walls Have Ears隔墙有耳190
134.Watch One's Step留神191
135.Well Begun Is Half Done良好的开端是成功的一半192
136.Well Done!做得好!194
137.What Are You Going to Sell?你葫芦里面卖的是什么药?196
138.What Can You Do about It?你能把我怎么样?197
139.What Wind Blows You Here?什么风把你吹来了?199
140.Whatever You Say听你的201
141.What's It to You?它和你有什么关系?202
142.What's the Good Word?有什么好消息?204
143.What's Up?发生什么事情了?206
144.When the Devil Is Blind绝不可能208
145.When There's Life,There's Hope留得青山在,不怕没柴烧210
146.Worth It值212
147.You Let Me Down你太让我失望了214
148.You Said It你说对了215
149.You're Another!你也不例外!217
150.You're Killing Me我真让你逗死了219
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