IT新概念时文精解 英汉对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 汤宝兴编译 著
- 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
- ISBN:7506266660
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:353页
- 文件大小:17MB
- 文件页数:368页
- 主题词:通信技术-普及读物;电子计算机-普及读物
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目录AAgent Technology 代理技术 1
Always a Doctor in the House 家中总有医生3
Application-level Attacks Threat e-Business 应用程序级攻击威胁着电子商务6
Application Syndication 应用辛迪加9
Artificial Neural Networks 人工神经网络12
A Self-aware Computer 自我意识计算机 16
BBenevolent Worms 蠕虫病毒19
Blade Servers 刀片式服务器21
Bluetooth,a Boon for Wireless Devices 蓝牙—助力无线装置24
Brains to Computers 将大脑与计算机连起来27
Building Mission critical Applications in Java 用Java编制关键任务应用29
Buses:Frontside and Backside 总线:正面与背面33
CCol lection of Data 数据的集合36
Computer Clocks Wind Down 计算机时钟停摆39
Computers are Learning to Read Your Mind—through Your Facial Expressions 计算机通过您的面部表情了解您的想法42
Computers that Cajole 花言巧语的计算机45
DDatabase New Horizon 数据库的新视野48
Data Integration Software Speeds Web 数据集成软件给Web加速53
Data Replication Works on OS Level 操作系统层的数据复制工作56
Data Scrubbing 数据清理59
Digital Rights Management(DRM) 数字权力管理(DRM)63
EEavesdrop on Electromagnetic Radiation 偷听电磁辐射68
E-Cash 电子现金71
E-Commerce Distribution 电子商务的批发73
E-Forms Learn XML 电子表格学习XML75
E-Marketplaces 电子市场77
Encryption's Quantum Leap 加密的量子飞跃80
Erlang Programming Language Erlang编程语言82
Evolutionary Computing 进化计算 85
Extensible Access Control Markup Language(XACML) 扩展接入控制标记语言(XACML) 89
Extreme Programming 极端编程92
FFuture of Portable Computers 便携式计算机的未来 94
GGap Appliances Enhance Security 缝隙装置增强安全性100
Geographic Information Systems 地理信息系统103
Geography Markup Language 地理标记语言106
Grid Computing 网格计算114
HHow It Works:DVD DVD是如何工作的116
HyperTransport Boosts Bus Speeds HyperTransport标准提升总线速度118
IInternet Protocol Security 因特网协议安全121
Introduction of Knowledge Management 知识管理介绍124
Introduction of Middleware 中间件介绍127
IP-centric Conferencing 以IP为中心的会议131
IT Goes to War 信息技术走进战争135
JJini Jini软件137
KKnowledge Management 知识管理140
LLife after Moore's Law:Quantum Computing 摩尔定律之后:量子计算143
Lighten LAN Loads with GMRP 利用GMRP减轻局域网的负担145
MMagnetic Random-access Memory(MRAM) 磁随机存储器(MRAM)148
Managing App Server Components 管理应用服务器的部件152
Memory Leaks and Garbage Collection 存储器泄漏和无用信息回收155
Metadata 元数据158
NNetwork Probes Provide in-depth Data 网络探头提供深度数据162
Network Sniffer 网络包监测程序165
Network Web Caching Service 网络Web缓存服务168
Non-uniform Memory Access Architecture(NUMA) 非均匀存储器访问体系结构(NUMA)176
OObject Databases 对象数据库180
OpenGL OpenGL184
Optical Ethernet 光以太网187
PPCI Express:I/O Moves into the Fast Lane PCI Express:I/O进入快车道190
Perl Programming Language Perl编程语言193
Personal Firewall 个人防火墙195
Pervasive Computing 普适计算197
Platform for Privacy Preferences 隐私优选平台199
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol:A Common Way for Setting up a VPN 点至点隧道协议:建立VPN的常用方法203
Privacy Algorithm 隐私算法206
Processes and Threads 进程与线索209
PHP Scripting Language PHP脚本语言213
QQoS 服务质量(QoS)216
RRadio Frequency Identification 射频识别224
SSecurity Assertions Markup Language(SAML) 安全声明标记语言(SAML)227
Serial ATA 串行ATA230
SET Standard SET标准233
Silicon Micromechanics:Motors on a Chip 硅细微机加工:做在芯片上的马达236
Smart Dust 智能灰尘239
Smart Storage Switches are Coming 智能存储交换机扑面而来242
Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议245
Simputer Simputer计算机248
Sockets 套接250
Softswitches Enable Voice/IP Services 软交换实现语音/IP服务252
Solid-State Disks Can Speed Storage 固态盘能提高存储速度256
Spam 信息垃圾259
Steganorgraphy 密写术262
Structured Query Language(SQL) 结构化查询语言(SQL)264
TTalking about 3G 谈谈3G268
The ABCs of E-Learning e学习入门272
The Future of the Internet 因特网的未来275
The Next Step in 3-D Storage 三维存储的下一步发展278
The Rise of CyberSmart Computing CyberSmart计算的兴起282
The Soldier is the Network 士兵就是网络284
3-D Electronic Parts from an Ink-jet Printer 喷墨打印机打印出来的三维电子零件286
Tool Command Language 工具命令语言289
Total Cost of Owership 总拥有成本294
Transistor Triumphs 晶体管的胜利297
UUDDI is Yellow Pages of Web Services UDDI:Web服务的黄页301
Ultra-wideband Wireless Systems 极宽带无线系统304
Utility Computing 公用计算308
VVoiceXML VoiceXML语音应用程序311
WWarfare in the Information Age 信息时代的战争314
Web Application Firewalls Web应用程序防火墙319
Web-based Project Management 基于Web的项目管理321
Web-based Teamware 基于Web的组件324
Web Caching Servers Web缓存服务器327
Web Services Web服务330
What is a VPN? 何谓虚拟专网(VPN)?334
What is Identity Management? 何谓身份管理?337
What is Java? 何谓Java?340
Where are Databases Going? 数据库何去何从?342
WikiWikiWeb WikiWikiWeb345
Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) 无线应用协议(WAP)348
Wiretess PANs 无线个人区域网351
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- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_749442.html
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- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_3032853.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1069493.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_3151283.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2528623.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1968118.html