Family law in the world community【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- D. Marianne Blair ... [et al.] 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9781594605604
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:911页
- 文件大小:55MB
- 文件页数:953页
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Part One Family Formation, Regulation, and Dissolution3
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Study of Family Law in the World Community3
A. An Introduction to Comparative Law3
1. Why Study Comparative Law?4
Nora V. Demleitner, Combating Legal Ethnocentrism8
Problem 1-110
2. What Is Comparative Family Law?11
John C. Reitz, How to Do Comparative Law11
Shirley S. Abrahamson & Michael J. Fischer, All the World's a Courtroom: Judging in the New Millennium18
Problem 1-219
Marckx v. Belgium20
Notes and Questions20
Johan Meeusen, Judicial Disapproval of Discrimination against Illegitimate Children28
B. An Introduction to International Law30
1. Overview of International Law31
a. Sources of International Law31
b. Explicit Agreements32
Frederic L. Kirgis, International Agreements and U.S. Law40
c. Customary International Law43
d. General Principles of International Law45
Notes and Questions47
Problem 1-348
e. Enforcing Human Rights Norms in U.S. Courts51
Kenneth Roth, The Charade of U.S. Ratification of International Human Rights Treaties51
Jack Goldsmith, Should International Human Rights Law Trump U.S. Domestic Law53
Problem 1-456
2. International Institutions58
a. United Nations59
b. The Hague Conference on Private International Law61
c. Council of Europe62
L. v. Finland66
Notes and Questions72
d. European Union77
e. Organization of American States80
f. African Union83
Problem 1-586
Notes and Questions87
Chapter 2 Regulation of Marriage89
A. The Importance of Marriage89
Claude Levi-Strauss, The Family, in Man, Culture, and Society89
Joan A. Metge, Marriage in Modern Maori Society90
B. The Power to Regulate Marriage92
1. Customary Law92
David L. Chambers, Civilizing the Natives: Customary Marriage in Post-Apartheid South Africa93
Notes and Questions95
Suen Toi Lee v. Yau Yee Ping98
Problem 2-199
Kalyton v. Kalyton100
Notes and Questions102
Janet Kabeberi-Macharia & Celestine Nyamu, Marriage by Affidavit: Developing Alternative Laws on Cohabitation in Kenya102
2. Religious Law104
In re Marriage ofVryonis107
Notes and Questions110
3. Constitutional Law113
a. Constitutional Allocation of Power between the Legislative Branches113
b. Constitutional Allocation of Power between the Judiciaries114
Notes and Questions116
4. International Law116
Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]116
1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery117
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women118
Fact Sheet No. 23, Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, Office of the High Commission for Human Rights119
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women120
Report of the Committee on Progress Achieved in the Implementation of the Convention: Note by the Secretariat120
Notes and Questions121
Problem 2-2122
C. Procedural Requirements for Entry into Marriage123
1. France: Age, Consent, Banns, and Compulsory Civil Ceremony123
The French Civil Code (1804)123
Civil Code of Quebec, Book Two125
Notes and Questions126
Karl August Prinz Von Sachsen-Gessaphe, Concubinage in Mexico127
2. The Importance of Formalities128
Chief Adjudication Officer v. Kirpal Kaur Bath128
Notes and Questions130
D. Mail-Order Marriages131
1. The Factual Background132
Robert J. Scholes & Anchalee Phataralaoha, The "Mail-Order Bride" Industry and Its Impact on U.S. Immigration132
Suzanne H. Jackson, Marriages of Convenience: International Marriage Brokers, "Mail-Order Brides," and Domestic Servitude133
Notes and Questions134
Kerry Abrams, Immigration Law and the Regulation of Marriage134
Robert J. Scholes & Anchalee Phataralaoha, The "Mail-Order Bride" Industry and Its Impact on U.S. Immigration135
2. Legal Responses of Countries of Destination137
Suzanne H. Jackson, Marriages of Convenience: International Marriage Brokers, "Mail-Order Brides," and Domestic Servitude137
3. Legal Responses of Countries of Origin139
Republic Act No. 6955 (1990)139
Republic Act No. 9208 (2003)140
Notes and Questions141
4. International Legal Responses142
a. Discrimination against Women142
CEDAW General Recommendation No. 21,?? 16142
b. Trafficking143
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime143
Notes and Questions143
c. Slavery144
Problem 2-4144
Chapter Three Dissolution of Marriage: A Continuing Conundrum147
A. Historical Origins of Western Law of Dissolution: From Customary to Religious to State Control148
Mary Ann Glendon, The Transformation of Family Law148
Notes and Questions153
Notes and Questions155
B. Contemporary Divorce Reform156
1. Modern Divorce Reform in the United States156
Riley v. Riley158
Mo. Ann. Stat. 452.320160
La. Rev. Stat. Ann 9:307161
Problem 3-1163
2. Divorce Reform in England164
Matrimonial Causes Act, 1973, c.18165
Problem 3-2168
Notes and Questions168
3. Divorce Reform in the Republic of Ireland170
Article 41 ?The Family172
McA v. McA173
Problem 3-3175
Notes and Questions176
4. A Glimpse of Divorce Reform Around Europe-And Around the World179
a. Western Europe179
Notes and Questions182
b. East Asia184
Notes and Questions188
c. Africa189
5. The Debate Continues189
C. The Intersection of Religion and the State in Contemporary Regulation of Divorce191
1. Nations Delegating Exclusive Control of Civil Marital Status to the State192
Williams v. Williams192
Avitzur v. Avitzur194
Notes and Questions195
Marcovitz v. Bruker198
Notes and Questions201
2. Nations Regulating Termination of Marriage through Religious Norms or Institutions203
a. Unitary Systems and Islamic Law203
b. Pluralistic Personal Law Systems206
Notes and Questions206
Problem 3-4209
Problem 3-5210
Chapter 4 Domestic Partnerships and Same-Sex Marriage211
A. Domestic Partnerships211
Kelly Kollman, Same-Sex Unions: The Globalization of an Idea211
Notes and Questions213
Pacte Civil de Solidarite215
Notes and Questions216
Problem 4-1218
B. Same-Sex Marriage219
Notes and Questions221
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v. Fourie224
In re Marriage Cases230
Notes and Questions232
Civil Marriage Act234
Government Gazette, Republic of South Africa236
Notes and Questions237
Problem 4-2238
C. International Human Rights and Same-Sex Couples239
1. The European Court of Human Rights239
Application No. 40016/98 Karner v. Austria239
2. European Union240
Arthur S. Leonard, European Court Victory for Same-Sex Partners241
3. Organization of American States242
4. United Nations Human Rights System243
Introduction to the Yogyakarta Principles244
Problem 4-3246
Chapter 5 Recognition of Foreign Marriages and Divorces247
A. Recognition of Marriages and Alternative Partnerships247
Leszinske v. Poole248
People v. Ezeonu250
Farah v. Farah251
Notes and Questions253
American Airlines, Inc. v. Mejia260
Notes and Questions262
B. Recognition of Foreign Marriage Dissolutions and Related Orders267
1. Status Termination267
Maklad v. Maklad267
In the Matter of the Estate of Ian A. Pringle269
Notes and Questions271
T.T.v. K.A.277
2. Property Division and Alimony278
Aleem v. Aleem278
Notes and Questions280
Chapter 6 Violence between Family Members291
A. Violence and Context291
1. Differences292
2. Similarities295
Jeffrey Fagan & Angela Brown, Violence between Spouses and Intimates: Physical Aggression between Women and Men in Intimate Relationships295
INS Asylum and Withholding Definitions295
World Health Organization, The World Report on Violence and Health296
Report of the Secretary General, In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women296
World Health Organization, Preventing Violence: A Guide to Implementing the Recommendations of the World Report on Violence and Health296
B. Family Violence as a Human Rights Issue in the United Nations' System297
1. Traditional Human Rights Approaches297
Dorothy Q. Thomas 8c Michele E. Beasley, Domestic Violence as a Human Rights Issue297
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women299
Jan Arno Hessbruegge, Human Rights Violations Arising From Conduct of Non-State Actors299
The Due Diligence Standard as a Tool for the Elimination of Violence against Women301
Notes and Questions302
2. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women304
Sally Engle Merry, Constructing a Global Law-Violence against Women and the Human Rights System305
Goekce v. Austria306
Notes and Questions311
San Francisco, Ca., 1 Admin. Code ch. 12K, ?12K.3(b)313
3. Convention against Torture313
a. State Responsibility for Private Acts314
Ali v. Reno314
Notes and Questions316
b. Torture318
Rhonda Copelon, Recognizing the Egregious in the Everyday: Domestic Violence as Torture319
Notes and Questions319
4. Platforms for Action, Declarations, and Reports of the Special Rapporteur322
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol, Sex, Culture, and Rights: A Re/Conceptualization of Violence for the Twenty-First Century322
Notes and Questions323
C. Regional Approaches325
1. Convention of Belem do Para325
Maria da Penha Maia Fernandes326
Notes and Questions334
2. European Convention on Human Rights341
Z and Others v. United Kingdom341
Bevacqua and S. v. Bulgaria342
Notes and Questions346
3. Maputo Protocol349
4. Arab Charter on Human Rights350
D. Customary International Law350
Rhonda Copelon, Recognizing the Egregious in the Everyday: Domestic Violence as Torture350
Notes and Questions351
Problem 6-1353
E. Expanding the Analysis353
1. Female Genital Mutilation: The Practice353
Fact Sheet No. 23, Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children354
2. The Universality of Human Rights357
Katherine Brennan, Note, The Influence of Cultural Relativism on International Human Rights Law: Female Circumcision as a Case Study357
Makau Mutua, Savages, Victims, and Saviors: The Metaphor of Human Rights358
Douglas Lee Donoho, Relativism Versus Universalism in Human Rights: The Search for Meaningful Standards358
Justice Albie Sachs, Introduction to The Changing Family: International Perspectives on the Family and Family Law359
Sally Engle Merry, Constructing a Global Law-Violence against Women and the Human Rights System360
Notes and Questions360
3. National Legal Responses364
a. Egypt's Approach364
Susan A. Dillon, Comment, Yoni in the Land of Isis: Female Genital Mutilation Is Banned (Again) in Egypt364
Notes and Questions367
b. The United States' Approach369
Problem 6-2371
Adoption of Peggy371
Notes and Questions372
In re R-A374
Islam v. Secretary of State for the Home Dep't378
Notes and Questions380
Asylum 8c Withholding Definitions383
Problem 6-3385
Part Two Rights and Responsibilities of Parents, Children, and the State389
Chapter 7 Custody: A Comparative Prologue389
A. Decision-Makers and Private Ordering390
B. Determining "Best Interests"-Permissible Factors and Considerations394
1. Gender395
Bolaji Owasanoye, The Regulation of Child Custody and Access in Nigeria399
Problem 7-1401
Problem 7-2401
Notes and Questions403
D. Marianne Blair & Merle H. Weiner, Resolving Parental Custody Disputes-A Comparative Exploration403
2. Religion405
Hoffmann v. Austria406
Notes and Questions409
3. Race413
Van de Perre v. Edwards414
Notes and Questions421
4. Children's Preferences422
C v. Finland424
Notes and Questions427
Problem 7-3429
Chapter 8 Child Abduction, Jurisdiction, and Enforcement in International Custody Disputes431
A. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction432
1. Wrongful Removal and Retention433
a. Habitual Residence433
Mozes v. Mozes433
Notes and Questions439
Problem 8-1440
Problem 8-2441
b. Rights of Custody443
Whallon v. Lynn443
Notes and Questions446
Croll v. Croll449
Notes and Questions455
Problem 8-3458
c. Actual Exercise458
Friedrich v. Friedrich458
Notes and Questions461
2. The Defenses461
a. Grave Risk of Harm461
Blondin v. Dubois461
Blondin v. Dubois464
Blondin v. Dubois469
Notes and Questions471
b. Children's Objection to Return480
England v. England480
Notes and Questions483
c. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms486
Freier v. Freier487
Notes and Questions488
d. Consent or Acquiescence to the Removal489
In re Ponath489
Notes and Questions490
e. One Year Elapsed from the Date of Wrongful Removal491
Wojcik v. Wojcik491
Lops v. Lops494
Notes and Questions497
B. Jurisdiction in International Custody Disputes and Enforcement of Foreign Orders500
1. U.S. Domestic Law501
a. Jurisdictional Bases, Forum Non Conveniens, and Simultaneous Proceedings502
In re Marriage of Reeman and Vikas Sareen502
Notes and Questions506
b. Modification and Enforcement Proceedings515
White v. Harrison - White516
Note and Questions519
Susan L. v. Steven L.521
Notes and Questions524
Hosain v. Malik528
Notes and Questions537
2. International Conventions542
a. 1996 Convention for the Protection of Children542
b. Regional Conventions and Regulations545
C. Other Remedies to Prevent or Respond to Abduction549
1. Preventative Measures and Immediate Deterrence549
Al-Silham v. Al-Silham549
Notes and Questions551
Long v. Ardestani553
Notes and Questions560
Patricia E. Apy, Managing Child Custody Cases Involving Non-Hague Contracting States563
2. Sanctions and Tort Liability567
a. International Parental Kidnaping Crime Act and Other Federal Sanctions567
United States v. Fazal-Ur-Raheman-Fazal567
Notes and Questions571
b. Additional Remedies under State Lawz576
Anyanwu v. Anyanwu576
Notes and Questions582
c. Self Help and Other Options584
Patricia E. Apy, Managing Child Custody Cases Involving Non-Hague Contracting States584
Notes and Questions585
Chapter 9 Financial Support of Children589
A. Who Must Support Children?590
Chartier v. Chartier590
John Eekelaar, Are Parents Morally Obliged to Care for Their Children?594
Notes and Questions596
Problem 9-1599
B. Parent-State Relationship for the Support of Children600
1. Income Transfers/Family Allowances600
Notes and Questions604
Problem 9-2608
2. Child Support Assurance608
Notes and Questions609
Problem 9-3611
3. Departing from the Guidelines611
a. Parents' Ability to Opt-Out of the Child Support Guidelines611
ⅰ. Absence of a Child Support Order612
Close v. Close613
Notes and Questions614
Solangel Maldonado, Deadbeat or Deadbroke: Redefining Child Support for Poor Fathers614
ⅱ. Private Agreements and Child Support Guidelines616
Notes and Questions618
Hyde v. Comm issioner of Inland Reven ue619
b. Courts' Discretion to Depart from the Guidelines621
Lyon v. Wilcox621
Notes and Questions624
Chapter 10 Establishing and Enforcing Child Support Orders Transnationally627
A. U.S. Participation in International Agreements628
1. Foreign Reciprocating Countries628
2. State Reciprocity Arrangements629
3. 2007 Hague Maintenance Convention630
B. Establishing, Enforcing, and Modifying Child Support Orders in U.S. Tribunals on Behalf of Residents of Foreign Nations632
1. Establishing an Initial Support Order635
Gladis v. Gladisova636
2. Simultaneous Proceedings641
3. Enforcing a Foreign Order in a U.S. Tribunal642
Country of Luxembourg, on Behalf of Ana Ribeiro v. Canderas642
Notes and Questions645
4. Modification Restrictions653
Grave v. Shubert654
Notes and Questions655
C. Enforcing U.S. Support Orders Abroad661
D. Multilateral Child Support Agreements around the Globe665
Chapter 11 Adoption: A Comparative Exploration669
A. A Glimpse of Adoption across Time and Culture670
Laura J. Schwartz, Models for Parenthood in Adoption Law: The French Conception674
Note and Questions675
B. Termination of Parental Rights676
1. Giving and Revoking Voluntary Consent677
N v. Health Service Executive678
Notes and Questions684
2. Rights of Putative Fathers685
Lehr v. Robertson686
Keegan v. Ireland689
Notes and Questions692
Problem 11-1695
C. Maintaining Links with the Family of Origin695
Cheskes v. Ontario702
I.O'T. v. B.705
Notes and Questions708
Odievre v. France711
Notes and Questions713
Problem 11-2714
Chapter 12 International Adoption717
A. Intercountry Adoption: Benevolent Option or Last Resort?718
Problem 12-1720
Elizabeth Bartholet, International Adoption: Propriety, Prospects and Pragmatics720
Twila Perry, Transracial and International Adoption: Mothers, Hierarchy, Race, and Feminist Legal Theory724
Sara Dillon, Making Legal Regimes for Intercountry Adoption Reflect Human Rights Principles: Transforming the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption727
David M. Smolin, Intercountry Adoption and Poverty: A Human Rights Analysis729
Susan R. Harris, Race, Search, and My Baby-Self: Reflections of a Transracial Adoptee729
Susan Soon-Keum Cox, Ritual731
Notes and Questions732
D. Marianne Blair, Safeguarding the Interests of Children in Intercountry Adoption: Assessing the Gatekeepers736
Notes and Questions737
Problem 12-2741
B. Regulation of International Adoption by International Conventions742
1. U.N. Conventions742
2. The Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention744
a. Central Authorities744
b. Accredited Agencies and Approved Persons745
c. Convention Requirements for the Adoption Process748
d. Recognition of Convention Adoptions and U.S. Certification Procedures752
Notes and Questions753
C. Adopting a Child from Abroad桾he Process760
1. Role of Adoption Agencies and Lawyers760
2. U.S. Immigration Requirements763
a. Eligibility for Immediate Relative Status for an Orphan764
Rogan v. Reno765
Notes and Questions767
b. Eligibility for Immediate Relative Status for a Hague Convention Adoption769
Problem 12-6770
Notes and Questions770
c. Process for Obtaining Orphan and Convention Visas771
d. Eligibility and Process for Obtaining Immediate Relative Status as an Adopted Child776
Kaho v. Ilchert777
Notes and Questions780
3. Citizenship783
4. Adoption, Readoption, and Recognition of Foreign Orders in U.S. Courts784
a. Initial Adoption in U.S. Court784
b. Readoption in a U.S. Court785
c. Recognition of Foreign Adoption Decrees by U.S. Courts785
Chapter 13 Reproductive Rights789
A. Reproductive Rights and Human Rights789
1. International Population Issues789
Reed Boland, Symposium on Population Law: The Environment, Population, and Women's Human Rights791
Paula Abrams, Population Politics: Reproductive Rights and U.S. Asylum Policy792
2. An Overview of Reproductive Rights793
Barbara Stark, Reproductive Rights and Abortion793
Barbara Stark, Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop: Abortion in China, Germany, South Africa and International Human Rights793
General Recommendation No. 24, Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women796
Note and Question797
3. The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa797
Notes and Questions798
B. State Natalist Policies799
1. Pro-Natalist Policies799
Notes and Questions800
2. Anti-Natalist Policies800
a. Iran800
Janet Larsen, Iran's Birth Rate Plummeting at Record Pace: Success Provides a Model for Other Developing Countries800
b. The People's Republic of China802
Constitution of the People's Republic of China803
Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China803
Xiaorong Li, License to Coerce: Violence against Women, State Responsibility, and Legal Failures in China's Family-Planning Program803
Population and Family Planning Law of the People's Republic of China805
Information Office of The State Council of the People's Republic of China, Human Rights in China806
Notes and Questions808
Problem 13-1811
Notes and Questions811
More on Asylum812
Notes and Questions813
Problem 13-2814
Problem 13-3814
C. Abortion815
Barbara Stark, Reproductive Rights and Abortion815
Note and Questions815
1. Municipal Approaches816
a. Canada816
b. El Salvador818
c. Lebanon819
Problem 13-4820
Notes and Questions820
2. Regional Approaches821
a. Europe821
b. The Americas822
c. Africa822
Notes and Questions822
3. International Law823
Notes and Questions824
Chapter 14 Children's Human Rights within the Family827
A. Convention on the Rights of the Child827
Jaap E. Doek, What Does the Children's Convention Require?828
Notes and Questions833
Michael King, Against Children's Rights835
B. Children's Rights in the United States and South Africa836
1. Children's Rights in the United States836
Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, The Constitutionalization of Children's Rights: Incorporating Emerging Human Rights into Constitutional Doctrine836
Martin Guggenheim, Ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, But Don't Expect Any Miracles837
Notes and Questions840
2. Children's Rights in South Africa841
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa841
Tshepo L. Mosikatsana, Children's Rights and Family Autonomy in the South African Context: A Comment on Children's Rights under the Final Constitution842
Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Chicken Soup or Chainsaws: Some Implications of the Constitutionalisation of Children's Rights in South Africa843
Notes and Questions844
Government of the Republic of South Africa v. Grootboom847
Notes and Questions862
C. Corporal Punishment865
1. The Committee's General Comment865
The Committee's General Comment on Corporal Punishment865
2. The Special Expert's Report868
Paulo Sergio Penheiro, World Report on Violence against Children868
3. Domestic Law and Law Reform Efforts869
Penny Booth, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Punishment of Children under English Law-Public and Private Vices?869
Katie Sykes, Bambi Meets Godzilla: Children's and Parent's Rights in Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law870
Penny Booth, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Punishment of Children under English Law-Public and Private Vices?872
Notes and Questions874
Committee on the Rights of the Child, Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties875
Note and Questions876
Committee on the CRC-Comments on State Reports Regarding Corporal Punishment876
Notes and Questions878
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