
计算物理和C++面向对象的程序设计教程 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

计算物理和C++面向对象的程序设计教程 英文
  • (美)耶维克著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:世界图书北京出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510087738
  • 出版时间:2015
  • 标注页数:403页
  • 文件大小:57MB
  • 文件页数:418页
  • 主题词:C语言-程序设计-教材-英文


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计算物理和C++面向对象的程序设计教程 英文PDF格式电子书版下载


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Part Ⅰ C++ programming basics1

1 Introduction3

1.1 Objective3

1.2 Presentation3

1.3 Why C++4

1.4 C++ standards6

1.5 Summary7

1.6 How to use this text7

1.7 Additional study aids8

1.8 Additional and alternative software packages8

2 Installing and running the Dev-C++ programming environment10

2.1 Compiling and running a first program10

2.2 Using the Dev-C++ debugger12

2.3 Installing DISLIN and gsl13

2.4 A first graphics program14

2.5 The help system15

2.6 Linux alternatives16

2.7 Assignment16

3 Introduction to computer and software architecture17

3.1 Computational methods17

3.2 Hardware architecture18

3.3 Software architecture20

3.4 The operating system and application software23

3.5 Assignments23

4 Fundamental concepts25

4.1 Overview of program structure25

4.2 Tokens,names,and keywords25

4.3 Expressions and statements26

4.4 Constants,variables,and identifiers26

4.5 Declarations,definitions,and scope27

4.6 rvalues and lvalues28

4.7 Block structure28

4.8 The const keyword29

4.9 Operators-precedence and associativity30

4.10 Formatting conventions31

4.11 Comments32

4.12 Assignments33

5 Writing a first program37

5.1 The main() function37

5.2 Namespaces37

5.3 #include Statements38

5.4 Input and output streams39

5.5 File streams40

5.6 Constant and variable types41

5.7 Casts44

5.8 Operators45

5.9 Control flow46

5.10 Functions47

5.11 Arrays and typedefs47

5.12 A first look at scientific software development48

5.13 Program errors51

5.14 Numerical errors with floating-point types53

5.15 Assignments55

6 An introduction to object-oriented analysis62

6.1 Procedural versus object-oriented programming62

6.2 Problem definition65

6.3 Requirements specification66

6.4 UML diagrams66

6.5 Use case diagram67

6.6 Classes and objects68

6.7 Object discovery71

6.8 Sequence and collaboration diagrams72

6.9 Aggregation and association74

6.10 Inheritance75

6.11 Object-oriented programming approaches78

6.12 Assignments79

7 C++ object-oriented programming syntax83

7.1 Class declaration83

7.2 Class definition and member functions83

7.3 Object creation and polymorphism86

7.4 Information hiding87

7.5 Constructors89

7.6 Wrappering legacy code91

7.7 Inheritance92

7.8 The'protected'keyword94

7.9 Assignments95

8 Control logic and iteration104

8.1 The bool and enum types104

8.2 Logical operators106

8.3 if statements and implicit blocks107

8.4 else,else if,conditional and switch statements108

8.5 The exit()function109

8.6 Conditional compilation109

8.7 The for statement110

8.8 while and do...while statements111

8.9 The break and continue statements112

8.10 Assignments112

9 Basic function properties119

9.1 Principles of function operation119

9.2 Function declarations and prototypes121

9.3 Overloading and argument conversion121

9.4 Built-in functions and header files122

9.5 Program libraries124

9.6 Function preconditions and postconditions-the assert statement128

9.7 Multiple return statements130

9.8 Functions and global variables130

9.9 Use of const in functions131

9.10 Default parameters132

9.11 Inline functions132

9.12 Modular programming133

9.13 Recursive functions134

9.14 Assignments134

10 Arrays and matrices140

10.1 Data structures and arrays140

10.2 Array definition and initialization141

10.3 Array manipulation and memory access142

10.4 Arrays as function parameters144

10.5 Returning arrays and object arrays145

10.6 const arrays146

10.7 Matrices146

10.8 Matrix storage and loop order147

10.9 Matrices as function arguments150

10.10 Assignments150

11 Input and output streams158

11.1 The iostream class and stream manipulators158

11.2 File streams161

11.3 The string class and string streams163

11.4 The toString()class member165

11.5 The printf function167

11.6 Assignments167

Part Ⅱ Numerical analysis173

12 Numerical error analysis-derivatives175

12.1 The derivative operator175

12.2 Error dependence177

12.3 Graphical error analysis177

12.4 Analytic error analysis-higher-order methods179

12.5 Extrapolation179

12.6 The derivative calculator class180

12.7 Assignments182

13 Integration183

13.1 Discretization procedures183

13.2 Implementation184

13.3 Discretization error188

13.4 Assignments189

14 Root-finding procedures191

14.1 Bisection method191

14.2 Newton's method193

14.3 Assignments194

15 Differential equations196

15.1 Euler's method196

15.2 Error analysis198

15.3 The spring class199

15.4 Assignments201

16 Linear algebra203

16.1 Linear equation solvers203

16.2 Errors and condition numbers206

16.3 Eigenvalues and iterative eigenvalue solvers207

16.4 Assignments209

Part Ⅲ Advanced object-oriented programming215

17 References217

17.1 Basic properties217

17.2 References as function arguments218

17.3 Reference member variables219

17.4 const reference variables220

17.5 Reference return values221

17.6 Assignments222

18 Pointers and dynamic memory allocation227

18.1 Introduction to pointers228

18.2 Initializing pointer variables228

18.3 The address-of and dereferencing operators229

18.4 Uninitialized pointer errors230

18.5 NULL and void pointers230

18.6 Dangling pointers231

18.7 Pointers in function blocks232

18.8 The const keyword and pointers232

18.9 Pointer arithmetic234

18.10 Pointers and arrays234

18.11 Pointer comparisons234

18.12 Pointers to pointers and matrices235

18.13 String manipulation235

18.14 Static and dynamic memory allocation237

18.15 Memory leaks and dangling pointers239

18.16 Dynamic memory allocation within functions241

18.17 Dynamically allocated matrices242

18.18 Dynamically allocated matrices as function arguments and parameters243

18.19 Pointer data structures and linked lists244

18.20 Assignments248

19 Advanced memory management261

19.1 The this pointer261

19.2 The friend keyword262

19.3 Operators263

19.4 Destructors265

19.5 Assignment operators267

19.6 Copy constructors269

19.7 Assignments271

20 The static keyword,multiple and virtual inheritance,templates,and the STL library286

20.1 Static variables286

20.2 Static class members287

20.3 Pointer to class members288

20.4 Multiple inheritance288

20.5 Virtual functions289

20.6 Heterogeneous object collections and runtime type identification291

20.7 Abstract base classes and interfaces292

20.8 Virtual inheritance293

20.9 User-defined conversions294

20.10 Function templates295

20.11 Templates and classes296

20.12 The complex class298

20.13 The standard template library299

20.14 Structures and unions303

20.15 Bit fields and operators305

20.16 Assignments306

21 Program optimization in C++319

21.1 Compiling319

21.2 Critical code segments319

21.3 Virtual functions321

21.4 Function pointers and functors326

21.5 Aliasing327

21.6 High-performance template libraries327

21.7 Assignments329

Part Ⅳ Scientific programming examples331

22 Monte Carlo methods333

22.1 Monte Carlo integration333

22.2 Monte Carlo evaluation of distribution functions334

22.3 Importance sampling339

22.4 The metropolis algorithm343

22.5 Multicanonical methods347

22.6 Assignments352

23 Parabolic partial differential equation solvers354

23.1 Partial differential equations in scientific applications354

23.2 Direct solution methods356

23.3 The Crank-Nicholson method359

23.4 Assignments363

Appendix A Overview of MATLAB365

Appendix B The Borland C++ Compiler371

B.1 Borland C++ installation371

B.2 Compiling and running a first program373

B.3 Installing the optional program editor375

B.4 Using the Borland turbo debugger377

B.5 Installing DISLIN378

B.6 A first graphics program379

B.7 The help system380

Appendix C The Linux/Windows Command-Line C++ Compiler and Profiler381

Appendix D Calling FORTRAN programs from C++384

Appendix E C++ coding standard387

E.1 Program design language387

E.2 Comments388

E.3 Layout388

E.4 Continuation lines389

E.5 Constants and literals389

E.6 Variables and definitions389

E.7 Functions390

E.8 Operators390

E.9 Classes390

E.10 Typedefs391

E.11 Macros391

E.12 Templates391

E.13 Control structures391

References and further reading393

