
- 刘安编辑 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:7030005058
- 出版时间:1987
- 标注页数:453页
- 文件大小:26MB
- 文件页数:464页
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Variations in the Color Patterns in the Lady-bird Beetles,Ptychanatis axyridis Pall.(异色瓢虫P.axyridis鞘翅色斑的变异)1
Notes on the Biology of the Lady-bird Beetle,Ptychanatis axyridis Pall.(异色瓢虫P.axyridis的生物学记录)22
Inheritance of the Elytral Color Patterns of the Lady-bird Beetle,Harmonia axyridis Pallas.(异色瓢虫H.axyridis鞘翅色斑的遗传)33
Identification of the Salivary Gland Chromosomes in Drosophil?pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pseudoobscura唾腺染色体的鉴定)44
Salivary Gland Chromosomes in the Two Races of Drosophila pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pseudoobsura两个族的唾腺染色体)46
Genetic Maps of the Autosomes in Drosophila pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pseudoobscura常染色体的遗传图)56
A Comparative Study of the Chromosome Structure in Two Related Species,Dro-sophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila miranda(果蝇两邻近种D.pseudoobscura和D.miranda间的染色体结构的比较研究)65
遗传“基因”学说之发展(The Development of the Theory of Gene)66
Studies on Hybrid Sterility Ⅲ,A Comparison of the Gene Arrangement in Two species,Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila miranda(杂种不孕性研究Ⅲ,两种果蝇D.pseudoobscura和D.miranda基因排列程序的比较)78
Die Homologie der Augenfarbgene von Drosophila melanogaster und Drosophila pse-udoobscura,bestimmt durch das Transplantationse xperiment(用移植试验鉴定两种果蝇D.melanogaster和D.pseudoobscura眼色基因的同源性)104
Compressed Deficiency and the Location of the Spindle Attachment in the X-Chro-mosome of Drosophila pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pseudoobscura“扁眼”缺失与X-染色体上着丝粒的位置)113
The Cytologoical Maps of the Autosomes in Drosophila pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pse-udoobscura常染色体的细胞图)119
The Behavior of Vermilion and Orange Eye Colours in Transplantation in Drosophila pseudoobscura(果蝇D.pseudoobscura的晶红和桔红眼色在移植中的行为)144
The Homology of the Eye Color Genes in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura as Determined by Transplantation.Ⅱ.(用移植试验鉴定两种果蝇D.melanogaster和D.Pseudoobscura眼色基因的等位性Ⅱ.)147
The Gomparative Genetics of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D.melanogaster(两种果蝇D.pseudoobscura和D.melanogaster的比较遗传学)163
The Nature of the“Race-Differential”Chromosomes in Drosophila montium De Me-ijere(鉴别果蝇D.montiaum不同族染色体的本质)177
Inheritance of the Elytral Color Patterns of Harmonia axyridis and a New Pheno-menon of Dominance(在异色瓢虫H.axyridis鞘翅色斑的遗传中的一种新显性现象)184
Geographical Variation and Inheritance of The“Ridged”and“Smooth”Elytron in Harmonia axyridis(异色瓢虫H.axyridis的“脊突”和“平滑”鞘翅的地理变异和遗传)202
Known Drosophila in China and Some Notes on Three New Species(中国已发现的果蝇和三个新种的记录)203
褐果蝇之族系分化问题(The problem of Racial Differentiation in Drosophila montium)204
On the Racial Differentiation of Drosophila montium(有关果蝇D.montium的族系分化)209
Mosaic Dominance in the Inheritance of Color Patterns in the Lady-bird Beetle,Ha-rmonia axyridis(异色瓢虫H.axyridis色斑遗传中的嵌镶显性)210
Genetics of Sexual Isolation between Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persi-milis(两种果蝇D.pseudoobscura和D.persimilis间性隔离的遗传学)227
Seasonal Variations of Color Patterns in Harmonia axyridis(异色瓢虫H.axyridis色斑的季节性变异)243
Known Drosophila Species in China with Descriptions of Twelve New Species(中国已发现的果蝇种类和12个新种的描述)244
The Effect of Nitrogen-Mustard on Sea-Urchin Eggs(氮芥对海胆卵的影响)255
关于遗传的物质基础问题(On the Physical Basis of Heredity)260
我对遗传学中进行百家争鸣的看法(As I Look at Practicing the“Hundred Schools of Thought Contend”Policy in Genetics)264
有关辐射遗传学的若干问题(On Some Problems in Radiation Genetics)267
遗传学的现状和展望(The Present Status and Prospects of Geneties)279
X-射线对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)精子发生的效应(The Effect of X-Radiation on the Spermatogenesis of the Rhesus Monkey Macaca mulatta)285
不同剂量的γ-射线对猕猴精原细胞和精母细胞的效应(The Effect of Different Dosages of γ-Irradiation on the Spermatogonia and Spermatocytes of Rhesus Monkeys)297
不同剂量的γ-射线对Macaca mulatta精子发生中染色体畸变的影响(The Effect of Different Dosage of γ-Radiation on the Chromosome Aberration in the SPermatogenesis of the Rhesus Monkey,Macaca mulatta)303
X-射线对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)睾丸的细胞学效应及其与组织学观察的比较研究The Cytological Effects of X-Irradiation on The Testes of the Monkey,Macaca Mulatta,With Special Reterence to the Comparison of Cytological and Histological Observations315
自然进化与人工进化Natural Evolution and Artificial Evolution322
X-射线的直接照射与间接照射对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)精子发生中染色体畸变的影响(The Influence of Direct and Indirect Exposure to X-Irradiation on the Chro-mosome Aberrations in the Spermatogenesis of the Rhesus Monkey,M.mulatta)339
Radiation Genetics of the Rhesus Monkey,Macaca mulatta Ⅰ(猕猴M.mulatta辐射遗传学Ⅰ)349
Radiation Genetics of the Rhesus Monkey,Macaca mulatta Ⅱ(猕猴M.mulatta辐射遗传学Ⅱ)360
Radiation Geneties of the Rhesus Monkey,Macaca mulatta Ⅲ(猕猴M.mulatta辐射遗传学Ⅲ)376
就国外遗传学发展趋势谈我国科技的赶超问题(On the Marching Forward of Sci-ence and Technology in China in the Light of the Trends of Genetics Abroad.)383
基因概念的发展(The Evolution of Gene Concept)387
我国遗传学的回顾与展望(A Retrospective and Perspective View on the Develop-ment of Genetics in China)397
A Comparative Study on Fraction-I-Proteins of the Male Sterile System in Oryza sativa and Nicotiana tabacum(水稻O.sativa和烟草N.tabacum雄性不育系中羧化酶的比较研究)401
A Preliminary Note on the Construction of Human Gene Library(人体基因文库构建的初报)402
异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis)鞘翅色斑两个新等位基因和嵌镶显性遗传学说的再证实(On two New Alleles of the Color Pattern Gene in the Lady-Beetle,H.axyridis,and Further Proof of the Mosaic Dominance Theory)403
达尔文进化论及其以后的发展(Darwin's Biological Evolutionism and its Subsequent Development)411
异色瓢虫的几个遗传学问题(On some Genetic Problems in the Asiatic Lady-Beetle,Harmonia axyridis)415
The Use of Salmonella Microsome and Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Screening Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity for sixty six Different Chemicals)(利用沙门氏菌微粒和姊妹染色单体交换筛选66种化学药品的致变性和致癌性)428
Genetics as a Unifying Force in Science and Society(遗传学是使科学与社会相结合的一种推动力)434
Research Progress On Environmental Mutagenesis,Carcinogenesis and Teratogenesis in China(中国环境致变、致癌和致畸研究工作的进展)440
Recent Advances of Genetic Toxicology in China(遗传毒理学在中国的新进展)450
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