中国劳动统计年鉴 2004 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 李慧民总编辑;国家统计局人口和社会科技统计司,劳动和社会保障部规划财务司编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国统计出版社
- ISBN:7503745061
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:653页
- 文件大小:37MB
- 文件页数:674页
- 主题词:劳动经济-统计资料-中国-2004-年鉴
中国劳动统计年鉴 2004 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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一、综合 General Survey3
1-1 全国劳动统计主要指标 Main Indicators of National Labour Statistics3
1-2 人口数及构成(年末数) Population and Composition(End of Year)4
1-3 国内生产总值及构成 Gross Domestic Product and Composition5
1-4 国内生产总值指数、职工平均工资和城镇居民消费价格指数 Indices of Gross Domestic Product,Average Wageand Urban Consumer Price Index6
1-5 全国就业人员年末人数 Number of Employment(End of Year)7
1-6 分行业就业人员年末人数 Employment by Sector8
1-7 分地区分行业城镇单位就业人员年末人数 Urban Units Employment by Sector and Region(2003)9
1-8 分地区分登记注册类型城镇就业人员年末人数及构成 Urban Employment and Composition by Registration Status and Region(2003)12
1-9 分行业城镇单位就业人员 Employment in Urban Units by Sector(End of Year)13
1-10 分登记注册类型城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数 Female Employment in Urban Units by Registration Status and Region(End of Year)14
1-11 分行业城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数 Female Employment in Urban Units by Sector(End of Year)15
1-12 分地区分行业城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数 Female Employment in Urban Units by Sector and Region(2003)16
1-13 分细行业城镇单位女性就业人员占就业人员比重 Proportion of Female Employment in Urban Units by Sector(2003)19
1-14 分登记注册类型职工年末人数及构成 Staff and Workers and Composition by Registration Status(End of Year)23
1-15 分行业职工年末人数 Staff and Workers by Sector(End of Year)24
1-16 分行业职工年末人数(国有单位) Staff and Workers by Sector(State-owned Units,End of Year)25
1-17 分行业职工年末人数(城镇集体单位) Staff and Workers by Sector(Urban Collective-owned Units,End of Year)26
1-18 分行业职工年末人数(其他单位) Staff and Workers by Sector(Other Ownership Units,End of Year)27
1-19 分行业职工年末人数 Staff and Workers by Sector(2003)28
1-20 分地区分行业乡村就业人员年末人数 Rural Employment by Sector and Region(End of Year)29
1-21 分地区城镇单位使用的农村劳动力年末人数 Rural Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)30
1-22 分登记注册类型职工工资总额及指数 Total Wages and Index of Staff and Workers by Registration Status31
1-23 分行业职工工资总额 Total Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector32
1-24 分行业职工工资总额(国有单位) Total Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector(State-owned Units)33
1-25 分行业职工工资总额(城镇集体单位) Total Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector(Urban Collective-owned Units)34
1-26 分行业职工工资总额(其他单位) Total Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector(Other Ownership Units)35
1-27 分行业职工工资总额 Total Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector(2003)36
1-28 分登记注册类型职工平均工资及指数 Average Wage and Index of Staff and Workers by Registration Status37
1-29 分行业职工平均工资 Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector38
1-30 分行业职工平均货币工资指数 Indices of Average Money Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector39
1-31 分行业职工平均实际工资指数 Indices of Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector40
1-32 分行业职工平均工资(国有单位) Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(State-owned Units)41
1-33 分行业职工平均货币工资指数(国有单位) Indices of Average Money Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(State-owned Units)42
1-34 分行业职工平均实际工资指数(国有单位) Indices of Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(State-owned Units)43
1-35 分行业职工平均工资(城镇集体单位) Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(Urban Collective-owned Units)44
1-36 分行业职工平均货币工资指数(城镇集体单位) Indices of Average Money Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(Urban Collective-owned Units)45
1-37 分行业职工平均实际工资指数(城镇集体单位) Indices of Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(Urban Collective-owned Units)46
1-38 分行业职工平均工资(其他单位) Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(Other Ownership Units)47
1-39 分行业职工平均货币工资指数(其他单位) Indices of Average Money Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(OtherOwnershipUnits)48
1-40 分行业职工平均实际工资指数(其他单位) Indices of Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(Other Ownership Units)49
1-41 分行业职工平均工资 Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector(2003)50
1-42 分行业城镇单位就业人员平均劳动报酬 Average Earning of Employment in Urban Units by Sector51
1-43 分行业城镇单位就业人员平均劳动报酬 Average Earning of Employment in Urban Units by Sector(2003)53
1-44 分地区全国就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Employment by Region54
1-45 分地区全国男性就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Male Employment by Region55
1-46 分地区全国女性就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Female Employment by Region56
1-47 按年龄、性别分的全国就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Employment by Age and Sex57
1-48 按受教育程度、性别分的全国就业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Employment Status by Educational Attainment and Sex58
1-49 按行业、性别分的全国就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Employment by Sector and Sex59
1-50 按职业、性别分的全国就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Employment by Occupation and Sex62
1-51 按受教育程度、性别分的全国就业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Employment by Educational Attainment and Sex63
1-52 按年龄、性别分的全国就业人员户口性质构成 Registration Type Composition of Employment by Age and Sex64
1-53 按行业、性别分的全国就业人员户口性质构成 Registration Type Composition of Employment by Sector and Sex65
1-54 按职业、性别分的全国就业人员户口性质构成 Registration Type Composition of Employment by Occupation and Sex68
1-55 按户口性质、性别分的全国就业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Employment by Registration Type and Sex69
1-56 按年龄、性别分的全国就业人员就业身份构成 Composition of Employment Status by Age and Sex70
1-57 按就业身份、性别分的全国就业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Employment by Employment Status and Sex71
1-58 按受教育程度、性别分的全国就业人员就业身份构成 Composition of Employment Status by Educational Attainment and Sex72
1-59 按就业身份、性别分的全国就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition by Employment Status and Sex73
1-60 按年龄、性别分的城镇就业人员就业身份构成 Composition of Urban Employment Status by Age and Sex74
1-61 按就业身份、性别分的城镇就业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Urban Employment by Employment Status and Sex75
1-62 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇就业人员就业身份构成 Composition of Urban Employment Status by Educational Attainment and Sex76
1-63 按就业身份、性别分的城镇就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Urban Employment by Employment Status and Sex77
1-64 按年龄、性别分的城镇就业人员行业构成 Sector Composition of Urban Employment by age and Sex78
1-65 按行业、性别分的城镇就业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Urban Employment by Sector and Sex81
1-66 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇就业人员行业构成 Sector Composition of Urban Employment by Educational Attainment and Sex84
1-67 按行业、性别分的城镇就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Urban Employment by Sector and Sex87
1-68 按年龄、性别分的城镇就业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Urban Employment by Age and Sex90
1-69 按职业、性别分的城镇就业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Urban Employment by Occupation and Sex91
1-70 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇就业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Urban Employment by Educational Attainment and Sex92
1-71 按职业、性别分的城镇就业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Urban Employment by Occupation and Sex93
1-72 按年龄、性别分的城镇失业人员失业原因构成 Unemployed Reason Composition of Urban Unemployment by Age and Sex94
1-73 按失业原因、性别分的城镇失业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Urban Unemployment by Unemployed Reason and Sex95
1-74 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇失业人员失业原因构成 Unemployed Reason Composition of Urban Unemployment by Educational Attainment and Sex96
1-75 按失业原因、性别分的城镇失业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Urban Unemployment by Unemployed Reason and Sex97
1-76 按年龄、性别分的城镇失业人员受教育程度构成 Educational Attainment Composition of Urban Unemployment by Age and Sex98
1-77 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇失业人员年龄构成 Age Composition of Urban Unemployment by Educational Attainment and Sex99
1-78 按年龄、性别分的城镇失业人员寻找工作方式构成 Seeking Job Method Composition of Urban Unemployment by Age and Sex100
1-79 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇失业人员寻找工作方式构成 Seeking Job Method Composition of Urban Unemployment by Educational Attainment and Sex101
1-80 按年龄、性别分的城镇失业人员行业构成 Sector Composition of Urban Unemployment by Age and Sex102
1-81 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇失业人员行业构成 Sector Composition of Urban Unemployment by Educational Attainment and Sex105
1-82 按年龄、性别分的城镇失业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Urban Unemployment by Age and Sex108
1-83 按受教育程度、性别分的城镇失业人员职业构成 Occupation Composition of Urban Unemployment by Educational Attainment and Sex109
1-84 城镇就业人员调查周平均工作时间 Weekly Working Hours in Urban Area110
1-85 城镇男性就业人员调查周平均工作时间 Male Weekly Working Hours in Urban Area112
1-86 城镇女性就业人员调查周平均工作时间 Female Weekly Working Hours in Urban Area114
1-87 居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices116
1-88 全国商品零售价格分类指数 Retail Price Indices by Category(2003)117
1-89 商品零售价格分类指数 Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities118
1-90 居民消费价格分类指数 Consumer Price Indices by Category(2003)121
1-91 各地区居民消费价格分类指数 Consumer Price Indices by Category and Region(2003)123
1-92 城镇居民家庭基本情况 Basic Conditions of Urban Households131
1-93 各地区城镇居民平均每人全年家庭收入来源 Per Capita Annual Income in Urban Residents by Source and Region(2003)132
1-94 农村居民家庭基本情况 Basic Conditions of Rural Households133
1-95 各地区按来源分农村居民家庭纯收入(2003) Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Source and Region(2003)134
2-1 分地区城镇劳动力供给与配置情况 Urban Labour Force Resources and Assignment by Region(2003)137
二、就业与失业 Employment and Unemployment137
2-2 城镇失业人数及失业率(年末登记数) Urban Registered Unemployment and Unemployment Rate at the Year-end140
2-3 分地区城镇登记失业人员及失业率 Urban Registered Unemployment and Unemployment Rate by Region141
2-4 分地区城镇登记失业人员情况 Basic Conditions of Urban Registered Unemployment by Region(2003)142
2-5 分城市城镇从业人员和登记失业人员情况 Urban Employment and Registered Unemployment by City(2003)144
2-6 历年分地区国有企业、国有联营企业、国有独资公司下岗职工人数 Historic Figures of Laid-off Workers in State-owned Enterprises,Joint State-State Enterprises and Companies with Sole State Ownership by Region(End of Year)145
2-7 企业下岗职工情况 Basic Condition of Laid-off Workers of Enterprises146
2-8 分地区企业下岗职工情况 Laid-off Workers of Enterprises by Region(2003)147
2-9 分地区国有企业、国有联营企业、国有独资公司下岗职工情况 Laid-off Workers in State-owned Enterprises,Joint State-State Enterprises and Companies with Sole State Ownership by Region(2003)149
2-10 分地区国有企业下岗职工情况 Laid-off Workers in State-owned Enterprises by Region(2003)152
2-11 分地区中央直属企业下岗职工情况 Laid-off Workers in Enterprises Directly Under Central Government by Region(2003)155
2-12 分地区亏损企业下岗职工情况 Laid-off Workers in Deficit Enterprises by Region(2003)158
2-13 企业再就业服务中心资金筹集与使用情况 Financing and Expenditure of Re-employment Service in Enterprises(2003)161
2-14 分地区企业再就业服务中心资金筹集与使用情况 Financing and Expenditure of Re-employment Service Center in Enterprises by Region(2003)162
2-15 职业介绍工作情况 Basic Conditions of Labour Exchanges(2003)164
2-16 分地区职业介绍工作情况 Basic Conditions of Labour Exchanges by Region(2003)165
2-17 劳动就业服务企业、社区就业实体和生产自救基地综合情况 General Conditions about the Labour Employment Service Companies,the Community Employment Units and Self-relieved Bases(2003)168
2-18 分地区劳动就业服务企业、社区就业实体和生产自救基地综合情况 General Conditions about the Labour Employment Service Companies,the Community Employment Units and Self-relieved Bases by Region(2003)171
三、城镇单位就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings in Urban Units179
3-1 分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector(2003)179
3-2 分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector(2003)183
3-3 分地区分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector and Region(2003)187
3-4 分地区分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector and Region(2003)253
3-5 分地区分登记注册类型专业技术人员年末人数 Number of Technical Personnel by Registration Status and Region(2003)265
3-6 分地区分行业专业技术人员年末人数 Number of Technical Personnel by Sector and Region(2003)266
3-7 分地区分行业女性专业技术人员年末人数 Number of Female Technical Personnel by Sector and Region(2003)269
3-8 分地区分行业不在岗职工人数及生活费 Not-On-Post Staff and Workers and Living Subsidies by Sector and Region(2003)272
3-9 分地区分行业其他就业人员和平均劳动报酬 Other Employment and Average Earning by Sector and Region(2003)277
3-10 分地区分登记注册类型城镇单位年末人数 Employment and Not-on-post Staff and Workers in Urban Units by Registration Status and Region(2003)287
3-11 分地区分登记注册类型城镇单位劳动报酬和生活费 Earnings and Living Subsidies in Urban Units by Registration Status and Region(2003)289
3 12 分地区分登记注册类型城镇单位平均劳动报酬和平均生活费 Average Earning and Average Living Subsidy in Urban Units by Registration Status and Region(2003)291
3-13 分地区城镇单位就业人员增加来源 Increase of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)293
3-14 分地区城镇单位就业人员减少去向 Decrease of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)294
3-15 分地区国有控股企业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings in State-owned Controlling Share Hold Enterprises by Region(2003)295
四、国有单位就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings in State-owned Units299
4-1 分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector(2003)299
4-2 分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector(2003)303
4-3 分地区分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector and Region(2003)307
4-4 分地区分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector and Region(2003)323
4-5 分地区分行业专业技术人员年末人数 Number of Technical Personnel by Sector and Region(2003)335
4-6 分地区分行业女性专业技术人员年末人数 Number of Female Technical Personnel by Sector and Region(2003)338
4-7 分地区分行业不在岗职工人数及生活费 Not-On-Post Staff and Workers and Living Subsidies by Sector and Region(2003)341
4-8 分地区分行业其他就业人员和平均劳动报酬 Other Employment and Average Earningby Sectorand Region(2003)347
4-9 分地区在岗职工用工情况 Types of On-Post Staff and Workers by Region(2003)357
4-10 分地区城镇单位就业人员增加来源 Increase of Employmentin Urban Units by Region(2003)364
4-11 分地区城镇单位就业人员减少去向 Decrease of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)365
五、城镇集体单位就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings in Urban Collective-owned units369
5-1 分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector(2003)369
5-2 分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector(2003)372
5-3 分地区分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector and Region(2003)375
5-4 分地区分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector and Region(2003)387
5-5 分地区分行业不在岗职工人数及生活费 Not-On-Post Staff and Workers and Living Subsidies by Sector and Region(2003)399
5-6 分地区分行业其他就业人员和平均劳动报酬 Other Employment and Average Earning by Sector and Region(2003)404
5-7 分地区城镇单位就业人员增加来源 Increase of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)414
5 8 分地区城镇单位就业人员减少去向 Decrease of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)415
六、其他单位就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings in Other Ownership Units419
6-1 分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector(2003)419
6-2 分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector(2003)423
6-3 分地区分行业就业人员和劳动报酬 Employment and Earnings by Sector and Region(2003)427
6-4 分地区分行业在岗职工人数和工资 On-Post Staff and Workers and Wages by Sector and Region(2003)444
6-5 分地区分行业不在岗职工人数及生活费 Not-On-Post Staff and Workers and Living Subsidies by Sector and Region(2003)461
6-6 分地区分行业其他就业人员和平均劳动报酬 Other Employment and Average Earning by Sector and Region(2003)466
6-7 分地区城镇单位就业人员增加来源 Increase of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)476
6-8 分地区城镇单位就业人员减少去向 Decrease of Employment in Urban Units by Region(2003)477
7-1 乡镇企业单位数 Township and Village Enterprises481
七、乡镇企业就业人员 Employment in Township and Village Enterprises481
7-2 分地区乡镇企业单位数 Township and Village Enterprises by Sector and Region(2003)482
7-3 乡镇企业就业人数 Employment in Township and Village Enterprises483
7-4 分地区乡镇企业就业人数 Employment in Township and Village Enterprises by Sector and Region(2003)484
八、职业培训与技能鉴定 Vocational Training and Skill Appraisal487
8-1 历年技工学校综合情况 Historic Figures of General Condition of Vocational Schools487
8-2 分地区技工学校综合情况 General Condition of Vocational Schools by Region(2003)489
8-3 分地区技工学校培训情况 Training of Vocational Schools by Region(2003)493
8-4 分地区就业训练中心综合情况 Employment Training Centers by Region(2003)497
8-5 分地区社会力量办职业培训机构综合情况 General Conditions of Commune-run Vocational Training Agencies by Region(2003)501
8-6 分地区职业技能鉴定综合情况 Statistics of Occupational Skill Testing by Region(2003)505
九、劳动关系 Labour Relation511
9-1 历年劳动争议处理情况 Labour Disputes Accepted and Settled511
9 2 劳动争议处理情况 Labour Disputes Accepted and Settled(2003)513
9-3 分地区劳动争议处理情况 Labour Disputes Accepted and Settled by Region(2003)516
10-1 劳动保障监察案件结案情况 Cases Settled by Labour and Social Security Inspection Organization(2003)523
十、劳动保障监察 Labour and Social Security Inspection523
10-2 劳动保障监察工作情况 Labour and Social Security Inspection(2003)524
十一、社会保障 Social Security527
11-1 历年全国离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Historic Figures of Retirees at the Year-end527
11-2 历年企业单位离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Historic Figures of Retirees of Enterprises at the Year-end528
11-3 分地区离休、退休、退职人员年末人数(一) Number of Retirees at the Year-end by Region(1)(2003)529
11-4 分地区离休、退休、退职人员年末人数(二) Number of Retirees at the Year-end by Region(2)(2003)530
11-5 分地区企业单位离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Retirees of Enterprises at the Year-end by Region(2003)531
11-6 分地区事业单位离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Retirees of Institutions at the Year-end by Region(2003)538
11-7 分地区机关单位离休、退休、退职人员年末人数 Retirees of State Organs at the Year-end by Region(2003)539
11-8 截至年末分地区由民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数 Number of Retirees Paid by Civil Administration Departments(2003)540
11-9 历年全国离休、退休、退职费 Historic Figures of Pensions for Retirees541
11-10 历年全国企业、事业、机关单位离休、退休、退职人数及人均离休、退休、退职费 Historic Figures of Retirees and Their Average Pension542
11-11 历年全国离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Historic Figures of Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees546
11-12 历年全国企业单位离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Historic Figures of Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of Enterprises547
11-13 分地区人均离休、退休、退职费 Average Pensionsin 2002 and 2003 by Region548
11-14 全部离休、退休、退职人员人数及保险福利费用构成情况 Number of Retirees and Their Social Insurance and Welfare Fund(2003)554
11-15 分地区全部离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees by Region(2003)555
11-16 分地区企业单位离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of Enterprises by Region(2003)556
11-17 分地区内资企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of Domestic Enterprises by Region(2003)557
11-18 分地区国有企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of State-owned Enterprises byRegion(2003)558
11-19 分地区集体企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees in Urban Collective-owned Enterprises by Region(2003)559
11-20 分地区其他企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of Other Enterprises by Region(2003)560
11-21 分地区港、澳、台投资企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees in HongKong,Macao and Taiwan Chinese-funded Enterprises by Region(2003)561
11-22 分地区外商投资企业离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees in Foreign Funded Enterprises by Region(2003)562
11-23 分地区事业单位离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social lnsurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of Institutions by Region(2003)563
11-24 分地区机关单位离休、退休、退职人员保险福利费用构成情况 Total Social Insurance and Welfare Fund of Retirees of State Organs by Region(2003)564
11-25 历年全国社会保险基金收支及累计结余情况 Historic Figuresof Revenue,Expenses and Balance of Social Insurance Funds565
11-26 历年全国基本养老保险基金收支及期末结余情况 Historic Figures of Revenue,Expenses and Balance of Basic Pension Insurance566
11 27 历年全国参加基本养老保险职工人数及离休、退休、退职人员人数 Historic Figures Of Contributors of Pension Insurance566
11-28 历年分地区基本养老保险年末参保人数 Historic Figures of Contributors of Basic Pension Insurance by Region567
11-29 分地区基本养老保险基本情况 Basic Pension Insurance by Region(2003)569
11-30 分地区养老金社会化发放人数情况 Number of Pensioners Paid by the Socialized Agencies by Region(2003)570
11-31 历年失业保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险基本情况 Historic Figures Of Unemployment Insurance,Medical Insurance,Work Injury Insurance and Mater nity Insurance571
11-32 历年分地区基本医疗保险年末参保人数 Historic Figures of Basic Healthcare Insurance by Region572
11-33 分地区基本医疗保险基本情况 Basic Medical Insurance by Region(2003)574
11-34 历年分地区失业保险参保人数 Unemployment Insurance by Region575
11-35 分地区失业保险基本情况 Unemployment Insurance by Region(2003)577
11-36 分地区失业保险基金收支情况 Balance of Unemployment Insurance Fund by Region(2003)579
11-37 历年分地区工伤保险基本情况 Work Injury Insurance by Region582
11-38 分地区工伤保险基本情况(2003) Work Injury Insurance by Region(2003)584
11-39 历年分地区生育保险基本情况 Maternity Insurance by Region586
11-40 分地区生育保险基本情况 Maternity Insurance by Region(2003)588
11-41 分地区农村社会养老保险基本情况 Rural Social Old-age Insurance by Region(2003)589
十二、工会工作 Trade Union Works597
12-1 分地区基层工会组织数 Number of Grassroots Trade Union by Region(2003)597
12-2 分地区工会会员人数 Trade Union Members in Grassroots Trade Union by Region(2003)599
12-3 分地区基层单位建立职工代表大会制度情况 Employee Congress System in Grassroots Trade Union by Region(2003)601
12-4 分地区基层以上工会职业培训机构情况 Vocational Training Organizations above Grassroots Trade Union by Region602
12-5 分地区基层工会开展合理化建议和劳动竞赛活动情况 Condition of Carrying out Rationalized Proposals and Labor Emulation in grassroots Trade Union by.Region(2003)603
12-6 分地区基层工会参与处理劳动争议工作情况 Condition of Grassroots Trade Union Participating in Dealing with Labor Dispute by Region(2003)604
12-7 分地区基层以上工会职业介绍机构情况 Job Exchanges Above Grassroots Trade Union by Region605
十三、香港资料 Main Indicators of Hong Kong609
13-1 分行业全部就业人数 Employment by Economic Activity609
13-2 分职业全部就业人数 Employment by Occupation610
13-3 按年龄分组的失业人数 Unemployment by Age Group611
13-4 分行业失业人数 Unemployment by Economic Activity612
13-5 分职业失业人数 Unemployment by Occupation613
13-6 非农行业工人日工资率 Wages of Wage Earners by Economic Activity614
13-7 非农行业管理人员月工资率 Wages of Salaried Employees by Economic Activity614
13-8 非农行业周工作小时 Hours of Work by Economic Activity615
13-9 分行业职业伤害情况 Occupational Injuries by Economic Activity616
13-10 消费价格指数 Consumer Prices Indices617
十四、澳门资料 Main Indicators of Macao621
14-1 分行业全部就业人数 Employment by Economic Activity621
14-2 分职业全部就业人数 Employment by Occupation622
14-3 按年龄分组的失业人数 Unemployment by Age Group623
14-4 分行业失业人数 Unemployment by Economic Activity624
14-5 分职业失业人数 Unemployment by Occupation625
14-6 非农行业平均工资 Wages by Economic Activity626
14-7 非农行业周工作小时 Hours of Work by Economic Activity627
14-8 消费价格指数 Consumer Prices Indices628
14-9 分行业职业伤害情况 Occupational Injuries by Economic Activity628
附录一 国外有关资料 Main Indicators of Other Countries633
附录1-1 全部就业人数 Employment633
附录1-2 全部女性就业人数 Female Employment634
附录1-3 第一产业就业人数 Employment in Primary Industry635
附录1-4 非农产业就业人数 Employment in Nonagricultural Industry636
附录1-5 失业人数 Unemployment637
附录1-6 制造业平均工资 Wages in Manufacturing638
附录1-7 消费价格指数 Consumer Price Index639
附录二 主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators643
主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Noteson Main Statistical Indicators643
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